The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,445

that,” Remi grumbles behind us.

I let her go and turn to him. “Take your ass home and you won’t have to.”

“Stone,” she gives me a reproachful look and goes to hug her brother. “I’m sorry about Kal’s flight.”

He smiles but, he’s tense. “It’s all good. Can Bianca stay another night?”

Regan and I exchange a quick glance. The text I sent her said Bianca had to go home with Remi tonight. If she’s there, he’ll have to wait for Kal to call.

“Oh my God, can I?” Bianca cries as she and Eva come bounding down the hall.

“Please, can she?” Eva chimes in.

Regan looks helplessly between them and then back at me.

“Well, Reggie?” Remi presses.

“Sure, she can stay.”

Bianca squeals like Beyonce just walked into the room and hugs him. And then she and an equally giddy Eva disappear up the stairs with the boys hot on their heels. I squeeze Regan’s waist and give her a wide-eyed look that says, “What now?”.

She pats my side reassuringly and turns back to Remi. “Actually, I was going to ask… if you’d take Phoenix tonight.”

He frowns. “Uh, why?”

“Because, I’m exhausted. I had a crazy day, and Stone’s back. He only needs a quick bath and I have all his meals ready; it’ll be easy. Please. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t really need your help.” She presses her hands together as if in prayer.

I feel a prick of guilt at how miserable he looks as his resistance crumbles. But take comfort in the knowledge that I just saved him from making a colossal mistake.

He and Regan walk out to the car and I marvel at how quickly he folded. And then, I laugh at myself because I shouldn’t be surprised in the least. I know exactly what it is to be under the thrall Regan Wilde.

I’m showered, changed, and sprawled out on my couch with my eyes closed cataloguing my contentment.

The kids are tucked safely in their beds. My wife is humming while she works on the couch next to me. And I’m in the one place I don’t need to ask permission or apologize for anything.

"A penny for your thoughts?” She asks suddenly.

I open one eye and grin at her. “Oh, but they’re worth so much more.”

“I love how humble you never are.” Her chuckle is broken by a huge yawn and she closes her laptop. She arches her neck, raises her arms over head, and stretches her legs out in front of her and wiggling her toes in a full body release of tension.

“Honestly, I was half asleep. How’s it looking?” I ask, nodding at the laptop she just placed on the coffee table in front of us.

“Not as bad as I’d expected given what a terrible year oil had.”

I grab one her foot and work my fingers into the soft sole.

“That feels so good.” She closes her eyes and lets her head loll back on the back of the sofa.

“So, everything’s funded?” I run my knuckle over her arch, and she groans in pleasure and nods.

“Thanks to Houston’s booming healthcare industry. Or we’d be hard pressed on a few of them. The Children’s Museum donated everything for the toy drive.”

“Isn’t that tomorrow night?”


I lift questioning brows at her. “Shouldn’t you be there?"

She shakes her head. “It’s Matty’s event. I’ve handed it over to her completely. And she’s got it.”

I blink in surprise and drop the foot I was rubbing. “You did what?”

“Why’d you stop?” she complains.

“Regan, what happened?”

She lifts one delicate shoulder and smiles. “I let it go.”

I eye her skeptically, disbelieving of what I’m hearing. “You said that program was your baby.”

She sighs and sits up. “I was wrong. You are my baby. They -- " she nods in the direction of the stairs, "Are my babies. The toy drive is a project. So, I gave it over to Matty, and she’s so much better all of this than I am.”

I let out a low whistle. “Wow. I’m proud of you. Dare I ask what other life altering decisions you made while I was gone?” I ask wariness mingling with pride when her smile grows even wider.

“I'm resigning as director of Venus Rising altogether. Matty is going to apply and I’m going to submit my letter of recommendation to the board.”

I sit up all the way now, too. "Woah, I was just kidding.”

“Well, I’m not.” She shrugs again.

“Okay… Who are you and what did you do with my wife?”

She leans forward and takes my hands in hers. "I’m right here, Stone. Copyright 2016 - 2024