The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,438

his warm, soft lips land on mine in a kiss that steals the air from my lungs and scrambles my senses.

He’s always been my greatest weakness. But being loved so tenderly by such a strong man is also the wind beneath my wings. After a lifetime of being responsible for everyone else’s happiness, I love having a real partner. One who is always by my side and takes the lead when I need him to.

My mother’s voice comes into earshot and I freeze. He let’s go of my waist and pulls his lips off mine with a growl. “When this bacchanal of yours is over, we’re going away for a weekend alone.”

I swat his chest but can’t stop my laugh from bubbling out. “Stop calling it that. You make it sound like something sordid.”

“With the most scandalous people in town in attendance, how could it be anything else?”

I frown at him. “Hayes stop it. I’m already nervous.”

His expression loses its humor and shakes his head. “I know. And I don’t understand why. You are the best thing to happen to this family is decades. Just be yourself and it’ll be perfect.”

With that parting gift, the man who is the constant gardener of my happiness disappears down the hallway to his study just as my mother rounds the corner from the front of the house.

“The calvary has arrived,” I crow as the three women come into the kitchen.

“And just in the nick of time,” Mary’s dark eyes twinkle and she smiles a little coyly as she looks around the kitchen.

I rush over and wrap my arms around her. She gives the best hugs. And she always smells so good. In the first year that I lived here she was my navigator, translator, and sounding board. And despite the more than thirty-year difference in our ages, besides Cara, she’s my best friend.

“I know you weren’t expecting us, but I hope you don’t mind us just showing up.”. I shake my head and roll my eyes skyward. “Ignore whatever Hayes told you, I’m thrilled you’re here.” I smile at her daughter and then extend my hand to shake hers.

She grasps it and smiles back. “I’m Milly. Nice to meet you.”

She’s tall, at least six inches taller than my 5’3” and stunningly beautiful – her make up free light brown skin glows and her darkly lashed eyes are the most distinct hazel -almost gold -I’ve ever seen. Her hair is a rich umber that’s has glints of red. If it wasn’t for her pert, slightly snubbed nose and her full heart shaped mouth that are both a carbon copy of Mary’s, I wouldn’t believe these two are related.

“Oh, don’t worry - I’m an event planner and I know what the day before an event is like. And you’re doing me a favor, my son and my husband aren’t here yet, so I’m just rattling around the house missing them and feeling sorry for myself.”

Her smile wobbles and her it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. I can’t imagine spending Christmas away from Phoenix and Hayes. “Well, you’re in the right place, because I’ve got quite an ambitious vision.”

“By vision she means mission, “my mother interjects with wink. I roll my eyes but grin, relieved beyond belief to have help. “I’ll need as many hands as I can get to get everything done.”

“Confidence,” Hayes’ disembodied voice fills the room and I jump. I’m still not used to the intercom system he installed.

“Yes?” I sing song back,

“Gigi says she called you six times and you didn’t answer.”

Perplexed, I look around the kitchen. “Mama have you seen my phone?”

“I don’t think you brought it down with you..”

“I’ll come get my phone and call her back now. Thank you, Hayes.”

“Sure thing.”

I smile at Mary and Milly. “I’m sorry, I need to call her back. Can you excuse me? It won’t be a minute.” I dart out of the kitchen, round the corner and run smack into Hayes.

“Excuse me.”

I give him a quizzical smile when he doesn’t respond and step to the side to move around him. He catches me around the waist and hauls me back to stand in front of him. He still doesn’t say a word, and his intelligent eyes scan my face with an intent, assessing manner.

“Hayes, what are you doing? I’m trying to get to my phone.”

He doesn’t loosen his grip on me. “Why is Gigi calling you so urgently?”

Oh shit. I’d planned on telling him about this later. I lick my lips and put Copyright 2016 - 2024