The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,396

been kicking her while she’s down, choke. I’m thinking chief of staff, head of a department, or something.”

“You want me to find her a man?” My head spins at his request.

“Yeah. What did you think? That I was asking you to date her?”

“No, no, no,” I laugh, through my queasiness.

Tyson laughs, and the line finally moves. We inch up another few feet and come to a stop. “Regan is a rare vintage. I’m vetting her next man myself. And I don’t know anyone with better judgement than you. So, when you get to work, take notes, give me names, so I can start getting them checked out, and we can get her introduced. Okay?” He punches me in the shoulder, and I muster a weak smile.

“You know what, I’m not hungry anymore. So, if you’re only stopping for me, we can leave.”

“What’s wrong with you? You’re passing up shitty food?” He puts a hand on my forehead, as if he’s checking temperature.

I shove his hand off and give him a critical once over. “From the look of that gut, you might want to do the same,” I quip.

He just laughs and slaps my back. “Stone, my man. I missed you. It’ll be good to have you around. If you’re not hungry, you will be, as soon as we get close enough to smell the grease.”

His phone rings again. The car announces the caller as “Tami.”

I pull out my phone and check my messages, while he talks to her. But I can’t focus. I keep replaying the things Tyson said.

He crushed my hopes of getting him on my side in my bid to win Regan back. But, I didn’t come all this way to let something like Tyson’s approval keep me from her.

And, right now, the biggest obstacle in my way is the woman herself.

I’ll see her on Friday at this dinner. I’ll keep my feelings to myself, until I’ve had a chance to talk to her. Because there’s no way in the world that I’m going to let her go.

Chapter 46

Always Be Unfinished Business


“Come meet us at The Belvedere. Stone’s only been in town for a week, and he’s already got a girl. You need to take lessons from him.”

I re-read Tyson’s text, my heart in my throat, as I stare at the picture of my brother with a grinning, gorgeous Stone and a half-naked girl who appears to be sitting on his lap.

I look at my missed calls. Today is the first time this week that he hasn’t called. At least now, I know why.

I slip my phone into my purse and close my eyes. “Charlie, I have a headache. Can we take a raincheck?”

His hand cups my forehead. “Are you sick? Do I need to pull over?” He puts on his turn signal and starts looking to his right, for a chance to change lanes.

“It’s just a headache. I’m fine,” I lie, but the strain in my voice isn’t feigned. I’m tired and anxious and scrambling to figure out all of the things that need solving.

Every day, I remind myself that the past is a useless place to dwell. I force myself to focus on my future.

I have a lot to do. Marcel isn’t the only bridge to my old life that’s no longer passable.

Friends, board directorships, club memberships, and long-standing invitations all disappeared faster than roaches when the lights come on.

When the crowd thinned, I could see clearly who my real friends were, and they’re pretty amazing. So, yes, I don’t have Stone. But I have my brothers, and Dina and Confidence and Kal. And Hayes, kind of.

He’s made attempts to talk about what happened. I went to visit after Phoenix, their beautiful baby boy, was born. He didn’t miss the chance to remind me of what Stone stood to lose if his identity was revealed. I know Hayes means well and that he’s just trying to protect his brother, but I wish he’d see that I am, too. Even when it’s killing me too. And I know I can’t avoid him forever. I’ll have to see him at some point.

My heart and thighs clench, simultaneously, as joy and desire swirl inside me, and for a moment, I’m lightheaded with giddiness.

I have to shake myself free of it. This is how I got into this mess in the first place.

As a reminder of that, I read Tyson’s text again and memorize that picture and all the places he’s touching that girl.

“Here we are,” Charlie drawls, as we Copyright 2016 - 2024