The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,382

asked for distance, and I’ve given it to you, even when it’s killed me to do so. So, these letters are my entreaty, my fair lady. I will write you, and one day, I’ll have the nerve to send them. Until then, I want you to meet me where the gods gather to make love…and we’ll build our world there.



* * *

Oh my God. I am undone. I keep reading. My heart feels like it’s been hooked to a source of electricity and is humming in my chest.

* * *

Dear Venus,

You're my most beautiful someone.



* * *

Dear Venus,

I had a revelation as I lay awake missing you, reveling in the way it hurts…because that pain means that my heart works. Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.



* * *

Dear Venus,

Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams are too big.

They don’t have your vision.

They can’t see what you see.

Your belief in them, and yourself, is all you need.



* * *

Dear Venus,

You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs. It’s such an asinine saying. Surely, the eggs aren’t glad to be scrambled and cooked before some asshole eats them? So why do people say that instead of saying…nothing good comes easy? Isn’t that clearer and truer? I make a great omelet, by the way. They’d be awesome with your lemon ginger scones.



* * *

Dear Venus,

Today, I just miss the hell out of you,



Dear Venus,

If you aren’t already mine, why am I so afraid to lose you?

Tell me…



* * *

Dear Venus.

I’ve found that my heart was stretched by its experience with you. Now, it won’t go back to its old shape. Can you help?

I miss you,


* * *

By the time I’m done, I can barely breathe for the happiness that’s swelled inside of me.

If the last three months have been a trial, this feels like a reward. Yes, my life, as I knew it, is completely broken. But I have all the tools I need to reshape it.

I put his letters away and email my lawyer, asking for his first available appointment.

When that’s done, I pull out my stationary and write Stone back.

Chapter 37

A Surprise Dollop of Cream


I rush inside and tear the letter open, my heart damn near in my mouth by the time I’ve opened it.

Dear Mars,

You are spectacular beyond measure or compare. Your letters were like a surprise dollop of cream in the center of an already very delicious lemon ginger scone.

Until we can have that omelet…I would love to take you up on your offer of friendship. I’ve missed you. And have so much to tell you. If you agree, call me - 713-779-5555.



I’d like to take the word friendship, stick it in a self-destructing rocket and launch it to the moon. But it’s better than nothing, and it’s a start. And, damn, if I don’t miss her, too.

I pick up the phone and call her.

“Hello?” Her voice is husky with sleep, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve heard in a long time.

“Goddess, it’s me.”

There’s silence for a beat, and then I hear a whimper, and then she clears her throat.

“Stone, is that really you?

“Yes. I got your letter. Thank you for writing to me.”

“Oh, I’ve missed you. So much. Oh my God, thank you for all of those letters. I’ve read them every day. I’m blabbering. Sorry. I’m just so nervous. And happy. Hi,” she practically sings that last word.

My soul sighs in relief. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but she sounds good. The knot of dread that’s been eating away at me starts to loosen.

“Hi. And I miss you, too. I’ve been really worried, Regan.”

Her sigh is too weary, and I hate that I can’t see her. “It’s been a rough few months, as I’m sure you know. But, I’m so glad I know the truth.”

I don’t know which truth she means, so I focus on the one that is at least somewhat my business. “You and Hayes…you’re…related.” I use the most sterile word I can manage.

There’s a pregnant pause before she clears her throat. “Yeah…I guess. I can’t wrap my head around that part, if I’m honest. I’ve been more focused on the other dumpster fire.”

“Your grandfather…I heard, so what’s happening?”

“Nothing, he’s dead. Any accomplices he had are, too. I just…I feel like I need to find a way to Copyright 2016 - 2024