The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,263

cunt on my stomach. She run her hands all over my body, like she’s checking for broken bones and my dick starts getting hard.

I wrap an arm around her and pull her close. “Will, I’m fine. But you’re making my dick hard being out here half-naked.”

She throws her arms around my neck and hugs me.

“You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack, you crazy man.” She peppers kisses all over my face.

“I’m the fucking Legend, you think a twenty-foot drop could take me out?”

“Yes, I do. I know you forget this sometimes, but you’re actually made of flesh and bones.”

“Speaking of bones.” I push up into her and she grinds down onto me and presses a kiss to my mouth.

Well, all right now.

“Come on. Let’s get clean.”

“How about we finish being dirty, first?” I nudge against the opening of her pussy and even through my jeans and her shorts, I can feel how hot she is.

She rolls her hips one more time before she jumps off me, extends a hand out to help me up and leads me back inside.


Remi walks around my room, drying his hair, a towel tied around his waist. His ridiculously sexy body, so powerful and muscular, still damp from his shower, immediately distracts me from everything I planned to say while I waited for him to finish.

“Here we are… back where we started,” he says, peering at the pictures I stuck on the corkboard last night.

They’re all of me and Bianca.

All but one. It’s a selfie he took while we were at Gigi’s house. I’m laughing, but Remi’s looking at me with an awed expression that stole my breath the first time I saw it.

It’s my favorite picture of us. It’s everything we are.

Or could be.

If we take the time to do it right, this time.

“You want to get dressed?”

“No. Do I need to?”

“Yeah. You do. We need to talk and if you’re naked, I’ll want to be naked too and then we won’t talk at all.”

He drops his towel, and my mouth waters at the sight of his magnificent body and the glorious cock hanging between his legs.

“Get naked,” he growls and palms himself.

“I mean it. Get dressed.” I pick up his T-shirt, it’s still warm from my dryer and hand it to him with a stern shake.

He curls his lip and takes the shirt from me, slips it and the briefs I also dried on, while I sit on the bed and wait.

“You’re killing my buzz,” he grumbles as he slips on his jeans.

“Mine died when I thought you plunged to your death thirty minutes ago, so at least now we’re on the same page.”

“We were on the same page when we were outside and you were straddling me.”

He flops on the bed next to me and turns on his side.

I mimic his position so we’re lying to face-to-face.

I drink him in. There’s still so much of the boy I met in the library there. The kind, sure, funny boy who made me reach for more.

He runs a finger down the slope of my nose and over my lips, his eyes following the path and landing on my lips.

“Bianca has that freckle, too,” he observes.

“Yeah. She does. I joke that it’s the only thing she got from me.” I start to laugh but it dies when I see how serious his expression is.


“I want you to write the article.” His declaration catches me completely off guard.

“Really?” I lean away from him in surprise.

“Yeah.” He nods.

“That’s not what you said two days ago.”

“Two days ago, I was raw and angry, Kal. The timing of all of that wasn’t ideal. And you didn’t exactly give me a heads-up.” His tone isn’t reproachful, but I still hate that he found out before I could tell him myself.

“I’m sorry about that.”

He takes my hands in his, strokes my palms with his thumbs and looks deeply into my eyes.

“I know I am the last person on earth who should be allowed to say this to you. But I’m going to say it anyway.” His expression is so grave, that in the space between his words, my imagination goes wild with worry.

“Just say it.”

“It’s just that… we can’t keep things from each other, Kal. Not anymore. If this is going to work, then we’ve got to be able to talk to each other. Because when we don’t, we fall apart. The truth, no matter how scary, is always much easier to handle than the fallout of a lie.”

“I know.”

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