The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,216

is missing. And you haven’t talked to the last people who saw him?” She leans away from the judgement in my voice.

“I told you, my mother tried, they won’t talk to us.” She insists.

“And you believe your mother?” I am incredulous. I know firsthand that the woman is a devious, shameless liar.

She frowns. “Why wouldn’t I?”

I cock my head at her. She was at the party, she may not have seen it go down, but she must have heard.

Her wide eyes fill with regret as she remembers and she flattens her lips in regret.

“I know what she did to you. It was so wrong. But this is different. She wants to find Remi desperately. She’s out of her mind with worry.”

She can’t possibly be that naïve about her mother. If she wants something, she gets it. If she hasn’t found Remi, it’s because she hasn’t tried to.

But, I hold my tongue because I can see in her earnest eyes that she believes what she’s saying.

I don’t believe it’s possible that Tina’s not involved somehow, but it won’t help me to distance Regan by insulting her now.

“Do you know how I can reach Gigi Rivers?”

“She’s in Rivers Wilde. She bought a place. But, she’s got security…”

“I’m not going to break in. I’ll just go over, tell her I’m looking for Remi. If she’s hostile or won’t talk, then at least we’ll know that something went down in that hospital room and we can start looking for answers about what.”

Regan’s eyes widen. “Oh, Kal. Thank you so much.”

She smiles for the first time and the hope in it makes me anxious.

“Don’t thank me yet. Even if I do get in to see her, I don’t know how much she’ll tell me.”

“It’ll be better than nothing. When will you go?” She takes a huge swig of water.

I glance at my watch. This detour is going to throw a wrench in my plans, but if something has happened to Remi, I have to help.

“I need to go back to my hotel and make some calls and send some emails, but I’ll go today.”

She clamps a hand over her mouth. “Oh, Kal, I’m so self-absorbed. I’ve hijacked your trip with this drama about Remi. I’m so sorry.” She covers my hand with hers. “Tell me why you’re in town.”

My mind is so focused on unpacking everything she’s told me, that I draw a blank for a second.

“Are you okay?” Her pretty brow furrows in worry.

I shake myself and hope my benign smile is convincing.

“I’m in town doing research on a story I’m writing and just thought I’d look up an old friend.”

Her confused sadness clears and in its place is the other thing she and Remi share—keen, knowing gazes.

“Why didn’t you just call Remi’s office? Why call me? We’re not friends,” she says and I get my own guard right back up.

She may be nice, but she was never stupid. Her tears made me forget that I’m on an assignment. One that requires me to lie to her.

“I did call his office. No one answered. So, I called yours next.”

She nods slowly as if she’s processing what I’ve said and is deciding whether she believes it.

“What story are you working on?” she asks finally.

“It’s an investigation. I can’t talk about it, I signed an NDA. You understand,” I say with a small, not particularly friendly smile.

She holds my gaze for a few minutes and then smiles apologetically.

“I’m sorry. I don’t trust anyone right now. We’ve had some local press sniffing around since he missed that event and I’m just so on edge. Here you are about to do me a huge favor and I’m giving you the ninth degree.”

I squeeze her hand reassuringly. “You’ve had a hard day. It’s okay.”

“Thank you, Kal. I know you always cared so much about Remi.”

I smile and look down at my hands because I can’t keep looking her in the eye and pretend that I’m being purely altruistic.

I am worried about Remi and want to find him, too. But, I didn’t come down here expecting to find that there might be connection between Gigi Rivers getting shot and the Wildes. It seems like a long shot, but Remi up and disappearing after visiting her in the hospital feels like something…

“I’ll talk to Gigi. And let you know what I find.” I tell her.

“Thank you so much You have no idea how grateful I am.”

“It’ll be a good place to start. Maybe she can tell us if he seemed upset Copyright 2016 - 2024