The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,182

not missing much, anyway. It’s kind of a drag.”

I cup her cheek and she turns her face so that it rests in my palm. I lean in and press a kiss to her lips and she throws her arms around my neck and kisses me back.

Her lips are salty and her mouth is sweet. I slide my tongue against hers and pull her into my lap. Her hips start bucking and I rock upward so she can feel what she’s searching for. I hiss when my dick presses against the heat of her.

“I’ll miss you.” She presses her forehead to mine and we pant into each other’s mouths. I squeeze her ass and grind my cock into her and nuzzle my way through her hair to get to her ear.

“I’ll miss you, too… I’ll be back on Monday.”

“I know,” she whispers in a tight painful voice.

“I want to make you come again before I go,” I whisper.

“I want to make you come, too,” she rasps back. She scoots back, so her back is pressed against the steering wheel. She peers out of the window. The main street of Rivers Wilde is dark and deserted. It’s after ten p.m. and this part of the square closes up around seven.

I look up at the bookstore and all of the lights are off. And even if they weren’t, with no sun, the tint on the windows is impenetrable.

The dim overhead lights of my car make it bright enough that I can see her. “Make me come another day. I want to focus on you.” I grasp either side of her waist and pull her to me. I lean up and kiss her. Her soft lips part under mine and I taste her before I let her go so I can focus on what I’m dying to do.

“Pull down your dress. I want to suck your nipples.” I say and then push up her skirt so I can slide my hands under the elastic of her panties.

My fingers glide through the soft thatch of her hair that I dream about nuzzling my nose against and in to her wet heat.

I skim past her clit and her head falls back. The long smooth column of her throat is exposed and I press my lips to it.

I slip a finger into her and my thumb rests on her clit. She crosses her hands in front of her and tugs the bottom of her dress and begins to pull it over her head.

She’s bare before me and I don’t wait for her to finish taking it off before I pull one of her dark honeyed nipples into my mouth. She cries out. Her hands dive into my hair and she rolls her hips and sets a rhythm for us.

I thrust my finger into her and circle her diamond hard clit while I make a meal of her breasts and in minutes, her pussy clamps down on my finger and shakes over me.

I lean back and watch her. Her eyes closed, her head thrown back so that her hair spills all over the steering wheel, her kiss-swollen lips form my name, even though she doesn’t make a sound.

Uninhibited, beautiful, complicated, damaged, and all fucking mine. I told myself I was going to make her believe in happily ever after again, and I meant it. Once this shit weekend was over. I’m going to tell her that I’m in love with her. Then, I’ll find a way to convince her that when it is time, she should join me in DC.

Chapter 12



* * *

“Surprise! We’re going to a party,” My mother sails into my bedroom and throws what looks like a dozen garment bags on my bed.

“What? You hate parties.” I sit up slowly, push my hair out of my eyes and frown at her.

“Have you been just lying there like that all day?” She frowns at the rat’s nest that’s masquerading as my hair.

She looks at my shorts like they gave her the finger. “You need to throw those away.”

I frown down at them. “Why? I love them.” I run a reverent finger along the frayed edges of my shorts. When my fingers brush my thighs, I close my eyes and remember Remi’s fingers skimming the same spot the night before.

“What if you dropped dead in that and that’s how you were taken away?” she says dramatically. She flings my closet open and starts rummaging.

“Well, then the people at the morgue would know that I always saw the Copyright 2016 - 2024