The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,179

bare underneath it. He rubs the firm, but soft pad of his thumbs over my nipples while he kisses me again. In a few seconds, they’re as hard as thumbtacks and I’m coming out of my skin.

“Please kiss them,” I pant. I’ve never asked a boy to do anything to me, but I’ve never known a boy like Remi. And since he showed me how good everything can feel, my body is so hungry I can’t take it.

The urgency of the night drives our hands and mouths to seek, touch, taste. I spent most of my summer pining for him and I could kick myself for keeping my distance. Because what wouldn’t I give to have had that first month full of touches like this.

His breathing is ragged and his chest heaves against mine when he breaks the kiss and flips us over on the pile of blankets he’s laid in the truck’s bed. He’s been treating me like this since I met him. I don’t even know how I’ll go back to my everyday life after this.

I push these thoughts away and focus on the way his heart is thundering against mine.

And just when I think I’ll die wanting his mouth, he gives me what I want. His first touch is a reverent swipe of his tongue on the edge of my breasts and I writhe, grasp his head, and try to pull him to my already pulsing nipple.

He chuckles

“Easy, beautiful. We have all night. I want this to be good for you,” he says and then brushes his lips over the throbbing peak of my breast.

“Then do something,” I pant.

His laugh blows hot breath on my feverish skin and I whimper when his tongue’s raspy texture runs over me.

He closes his mouth over my nipple.

“Remi. Yes. Oh my,” I cry as a storm starts to build fast inside me.

He sucks hard as his hand drifts down my abdomen, and he cups my pussy through my dress, but it does nothing to lessen the heat radiating from his hand.

“I want to taste you, Kal.” He’s out of breath and his chest heaves, and he grinds the heel of his hand right where I need him to. I reach between us and pull the skirt of my dress all the way up to my waist. He slips a hand inside my panties and his fingers slip into the slickness that’s been spreading between my thighs since we got into his truck and drove out to this little lookout.

“Yeah, shit your clit is so hard.” He rubs, strokes, and presses the little nub with his thumb. Little shocks of what I think might be pleasure—but what feels like something much more than that—spark all over my body. I grind my hips into his hand and when he slips a finger inside of me, I arch off the mattress.

He kisses his way down my body and then his mouth is where his hand is, and the wet of his tongue as he runs it up the seam of my pussy’s lips is the strangest sensation.

“Don’t ever shave this,” he mutters as he nuzzles the tuft of dark hair that covers me.

“Don’t ever stop doing that and I’ll do whatever you say.”

He laughs again and then he spreads my thighs. I close my eyes and drop my head back onto our little bed. He presses a kiss to my inner thigh and kisses his way up and up until…

I forget we’re out in the open; I forget that he’s leaving soon and I try to focus on his mouth.

But, I can’t.

“Remi… are you sure you like it?” I breathe when his tongue probes me.

He pulls away abruptly and I look down to find his eyes intent on my face. His lips are slick with my wetness and split in a wicked grin.

“I love it. Do you not?”

“I do,” I say hastily “So much. It’s just… I’ve never… I don’t know. Does it… taste okay?” I’m grateful for all this melanin and the way it hides my blushes because my face is aflame with embarrassment.

But I have to know.

“Hmmm… you taste great.” He hums against me before he puts his mouth back on me. I lie there, and it’s so quiet. I can only hear the harshness of my breaths as I clutch the mattress in search of purchase as Remi’s mouth gives my body a lesson in pure pleasure.

Nothing could have prepared me for the feel of his tongue pushing into my body. Copyright 2016 - 2024