The Rivals - Dylan Allen Page 0,109

could trust you,” I say. And then I add the part that has been a more recent revelation. “I know that one of the reasons that people think of my money when they look at me is because that’s what I show them. I started changing that after your visit. If I wanted more from people, I had to give more,” I say. “You asked me that about wanting more from my experiences than money could buy.”

“Oh Hayes,” she says wistfully.


“Thank you for speaking so my heart could hear. I don’t want to be bought. I don’t want to be wooed with flowers or nice trips. I want to be wowed by you living your best life. Because I want to live mine, too,” she says.

“Let’s do it together.” I pull her off the window seat and carry her toward the bed.

“What are you doing?” she cries. “I’m still talking …”

“Well, when you’re done, you’re going to put your pussy on my dick and make it dance,” I say. “I just want to get you in position.”

“Aren’t you mad that I didn’t tell you sooner? How do you not have any more reaction than this?” she asks.

“I already knew,” I admit and then brace for her reaction. Her body tenses and I just hold on tighter.

“You knew?”

“Yeah. After you left that day, I read it. I wanted to know what spooked you so badly,” I say.

She glares at me.

I smile at her.

Her glare falls apart and her mouth trembles before she covers it with her hands.

“You have the heart, spirit, and courage of a queen. I’m proud to know you. Proud that you love me. You’ve taken something and made it into nothing,” I say.

She rolls her eyes. “You’ve got it backward,” she says exasperatedly.

“No. I don’t. I’m telling you that you have taken something that should have reduced you, changed you, trapped you, maybe even erased you, and you have made it something so insignificant that you can leave it out of your life story and no one will know it’s missing,” I explain.

The light in her eyes changes. It softens, becomes more luminous and she relaxes in my hold.

“You really don’t care?” she asks.

“Of course, I care. But not in the way you think. I’m sorry you lived through that. I care that you think it’s something you should be ashamed of.”

“I worry sometimes that it’s in my blood,” she whispers and clouds roll into her eyes. So, I sit down on the bed with her still in my arms.

“What is?”

“That violence. Not because I feel inclined to it. But because I always know when it’s coming. Will I pass it on? Will it suddenly rear its head?” She sounds dejected.

I squeeze her a little.

“My grandfather was a cruel man. Everyone acts like he walked on water because he donated money for a hospital and because his name was Rivers. But I know what he was. My father, for all of his failings, raised me to believe I am my own man. He sent me to Gigi to make sure Thomas wouldn’t ruin that. And as much as I resented it then, I’m very grateful for it now as an adult. Because I can see that left to Thomas, I’d probably be just like him. Forgetting that my name is more than an access card for us. It can also be one for others. There is no such thing as a generational curse. There’s intent and action.”

“Then why do you feel responsible for what Kingdom has done? Why are you spending this money and time on the flood victims?”

“Because I can. Because it’s a chance to correct the course, and I’m taking it. I’m not trying to raise people from the dead, Tesoro. Just trying to fix things going forward.”

“What if I make the same mistakes they did?” she asks.

“I hate to break it to you, Tesoro. But, you have your own flaws to worry about. You’re stubborn, impulsive, and for all your instincts about violence, you seem to walk into danger all the time. Like falling off cliffs that you go walking down at night.” I tap the tip of her nose with my finger.

“Don’t touch my nose; it’ll make me sneeze. And thanks for the praise.” She shoves my shoulder lightly.

“Tell me mine,” I ask.

“Your flaws?”

“I know … you probably have to think really hard about it,” I joke.

“You’re possessive, cynical, and suspicious,” she says without missing a beat. I let out a bark of surprised Copyright 2016 - 2024