an escape. It was . . . perfect, until . . .” I threw my hands up in the air.

“And she was fine with a one-night stand with soccer’s biggest star? I hope you made her sign something for legal, hell, do you still have the paper? What do I tell you, always travel with the paper—”

“She didn’t sign shit . . . ,” I said quickly. “She thought my name was Hugo.”

“What the hell kind of name is Hugo?”

“I panicked! I just wanted something normal, alright? And it’s not like she was honest! She told me her name was Ashley!”

Matt pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, then grabbed his phone and pointed it at me like I was getting disciplined. “You realize this can blow up in our faces even more, right? Tell me you’ve turned on the charm with her, tell me that she’s not going to go to the press, or worse, try to claim you got her pregnant.”

“We used protection.”

“Oh good, you used protection. Well, that solves everything!” Matt jumped to his feet. “What do you want me to do? Do you want me to back her into a corner? Force her signature on something? What’s the play?”

I sighed. “I’ll get her to sign something . . .”

He exhaled. “Good, we just need her to agree to not talk about it to the press. The last thing you need is more bad press, and a woman scorned is a scary thing. Reporters are fantastic at getting them even more pissed off, or convinced that you somehow owe them for psychological damage because the orgasm was too hard.”

I winced.

I didn’t tell him the rest.

I didn’t tell him she’d been a virgin.

I didn’t tell him that I’d taken something from her that she hadn’t given anyone else.

I didn’t tell him I was a dick to her.

I didn’t tell him I left her alone in her bed.

I didn’t tell him that I was petrified she would tell Jagger and make things worse for me. Out of everyone in the universe, he had a legitimate reason to hate me the most for what went down. For what I did. What I encouraged.

My thoughts spiraled out of control until I felt Matt touch my shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”

I flinched. “Yeah, just tired.”

He patted my arm. “Get some sleep. And keep me updated, alright?”

“Yup.” I stared at the pizza box long after the front door closed, and then with increasing bitterness and misplaced rage, I grabbed my cell and walked into the kitchen in search of the phone number she’d left attached to the fridge on yet another sticky note.

Woman loved her sticky notes.

Me: Hey, it’s Slade, I’m going to need you to sign some legal stuff for me in the morning, if that’s okay?

Mackenzie: Are you suing me?

Me: Why the hell would you think I was suing you?

Mackenzie: It just seems like something you would do, that’s all.

Me: On what grounds could I even sue?

Mackenzie: Oh, I don’t know . . . incompetence.

My stomach felt sick.

I had been such an ass, and this was me trying not to be. It’s like the guy that smiled and laughed was trapped inside this angry body that refused to let go of anything.

And the more I refused to deal with it.

The more the anger took control.

And the more I needed someone to blame for it rather than myself.

What would my dad say?

Other than go dig a hole?

Me: I’m sorry.

That was all I had.

And even typing it had my hands shaking a bit as I waited for her to lash out.

Mackenzie: I’ll pick up coffee for you in the morning.

Me: That’s it?

Mackenzie: You’re forgiven.

Mackenzie: For one instance of yelling . . .

Me: How many instances have you kept track of?

Mackenzie: All of them. Sleep well!

Chapter Twenty-Four


I braced myself for another stellar day with Slade and Alfie. At least Slade would be leaving for practice soon, and then I could unpack more boxes and take a nice long walk.

I juggled the coffee carrier in one hand, my purse in the other, and tried to type the code in without spilling. I finally managed to get it when the door suddenly opened and Alfie came barreling out with Slade.

I jerked back, catching my left foot on the stair, and saw my life flash before my eyes as the world tilted backward and I landed flat on my ass with searing coffee all over my white shirt.

“Shit!” Slade was at my side instantly, pulling

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