Rise (Rise & Fall Duet #1) - Grahame Claire Page 0,55

and sat obediently beside us. What is he attempting to convey?

We stared at one another. He stamped his feet when he grew impatient at my incompetence. Then he swiped at my hand. And my pocket.

“I forgot to bring treats.”


“Teague says he requires a reward every time he does as he’s supposed to.”

Muffy wiggled on his haunches. I know you did as directed. I’m the one who messed up.

“We could get him a hot dog.” Beau pointed to a nearby cart.

Since when were those available at any hour of the night?

“Pepper will kill me for this.”

I bought three hot dogs, one with no bun. Muffy scarfed his down before I’d taken my first bite.

“Should we get him another one?” Beau asked around a mouthful of hot dog.

I purchased another, which was consumed equally fast.

We wandered back to my building, Muffy content to take our pace as he eyed our hot dogs.

“I’m sorry your purchase in the Bowery didn’t go through,” Beau said quietly. “It’s for the best.”

Did she know the reason I hadn’t been able to complete the sale?

Tension prickled the back of my neck as I made a noncommittal noise.

“What happened? Seller change their mind?”

A swirl of relief swept through me. “A clerical complication.” It wasn’t a lie.

“They wouldn’t extend the contract to work it out?”

I took the leash from her as she struggled to finish her hot dog. “No.”

I couldn’t tell her there’d been no point seeing as I wouldn’t be able to complete real estate transactions for the foreseeable future.

“Take it as a sign.”

I stopped to toss my trash in a nearby bin. “Would you put in a contract?”

“Me? I don’t want that hot mess.” She waded up her wrapper and threw it away.

“I’ll give you the funds. You can transfer ownership to me in a few months.” I sounded desperate even to my own ears.

“What is your obsession with that place?” She placed a hand on her hip.

“Will you? I can give you the cash now.” Which would considerably deplete my funds. I wouldn’t have much to start renovations let alone keep up my day-to-day expenses.

“Why wouldn’t you transfer the money from your bank account? And what is going on with you?”

It had been foolish to make such a request to Beau. I’d raised questions I wasn’t prepared to answer. I didn’t want to think of the reasons myself. But something about seeing Lexie, Eric, and that older lady they’d helped at their apartment . . . it wasn't that different than the building for sale. I could make sure the people who lived there weren’t displaced.

“Forget I said anything.” I held open the door to the building.

Muffy trotted in first with Beau right behind him, and me in the rear. She pressed her thumbprint into the scanner. The elevator doors opened and she marched inside.

She leaned back on the mirrored wall and studied me. “How much do you want me to offer?”

I pulled her in for a hug, which caught her off guard. “Thank you.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


Where am I?

I stretched as my brain slowly clicked to life. The striking sunrise view brought the events of last night crashing to the forefront.

I sat up.


Oh my word. I’d fallen asleep at Lincoln’s.

Where was Eric?

For that matter, where was Lincoln? The last thing I remembered was the strength and comfort of his arms. How my body and mind just let go for a few blissful moments.

I crept to my feet and tiptoed down the hall in hopes of finding Eric. We had to get out of here if we had any chance of keeping our schedule for the day.

And maybe avoiding Lincoln and the embarrassment of crashing uninvited at his place. Or palace might have been a better word.

I peered into the study and found Eric exactly where I’d left him with Muffy curled up against him. A blanket covered him, and his shoes had been removed.

My brother looked so peaceful, I hated to disturb him.

The distinct presence I wasn’t sure how I’d missed when I walked into the room enveloped me. I pivoted.

Lincoln sat behind his desk. His hair was damp. The collar of his white button-down shirt was loose. Had I ever seen him without a tie?

Those dark eyes penetrated through me. The man had seen me in my pajamas, yet somehow being in yesterday’s wrinkled garments was more humiliating.

When we’d helped him bring up Muffy’s things, it hadn’t occurred to me to be uncomfortable. As I stood there, I wasn’t sure if we’d overstayed our welcome. Clearly,

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