Rise (Rise & Fall Duet #1) - Grahame Claire Page 0,1

intimidating now.

The boy opened the passenger door and raced toward me.

“Eric!” she called to no avail.

“What did you do?” There was an innocence about him I envied. For all the judgment in his sister’s eyes, only simple curiosity was in his. “You were nice to me.”

Had I been?

When had anyone ever called me nice?

Lexie Logan sprinted around the van. Her long purple dress flowed behind. I’d give her extra points for speed on pencil-thin heels. She had on gold feather earrings that dangled almost to her shoulders.

Eric had on a purple bow tie to match her dress. They were an interesting pair who seemed to excel at sprinting as well as gourmet dog food.

“Eric, you can’t jump out of the van whenever you want,” she said breathlessly. Her judgmental expression directed at me had morphed to one of worry over him.

“I didn’t jump. I pulled on the handle and got out.”

Beau snorted. I pressed my lips together to keep a straight face. Technically, he was right.

Lexie let out a tiny huff. “Please don’t get out unless I say it’s okay.”

“Sure thing,” he said easily. He barreled over to Miss Adeline. “Where’s Millie?”

“At our new place, waiting for you to come see her.” She high-fived him.

“As enjoyable as this precious scene is, I don’t have all day. I’m taking you in.” The agent pulled on my cuffs.

Inwardly, I hissed at the bite of pain.

“You didn’t identify yourself.” Beau put a hand on her hip. “Take those off.”

“Show us some ID. More than a badge,” Teague demanded.

“Oh, for God’s sake.” He rummaged through his wallet and pulled out a card. He thrust it out to Beau, along with his badge.

“How the mighty have fallen,” Lexie said under her breath. She hadn’t changed from the first time I’d met her at Grey Paws. Why did Pepper and Miss Adeline purchase dog food for their greyhound rescue from this woman?

Anger, hot and fierce, pushed to the surface.

“If you’re going to take me away, get on with it.” I refused to stand on this sidewalk in handcuffs any longer, especially in front of her. Miss Know It All.

“Are you NYPD?” Eric asked when he saw the shiny badge.

Beau handed it to him.

“Enough.” The agent snatched the badge out of his hands.

Eric recoiled and looked like the agent had smashed his ice cream cone on the ground.

“Let him look at it,” I growled. The boy had Down syndrome. He was innocent. And I’d be damned if this sorry excuse for a human being would treat him with anything less than respect.

The agent looked at me incredulously. “You’re in no position to tell me what to do.”

“Let. Him. Look. At. It.” Seconds ago I was about to walk myself to his SUV. Now, we weren’t going anywhere until Eric had his fill of examining the badge.

Lexie’s mouth rolled from one side to the other. Her worry had morphed to anger with a hint of confusion.

Mine had too.

There was something about Eric’s untainted view of the world I was drawn to.

“Just because you’re nice to him doesn’t mean I’ll chip in bail money.” A whisper of warm breath brushed my ear. The hint of something light and crisp and floral wafted into my nose.

I inhaled, but only a trace of it lingered.

Slowly, I angled so that she was back in my line of sight. “Remind me to never turn my back on you again.”

“You shouldn’t have done it in the first place.” She untangled an earring from her dark hair. “Eric, we should go.”

“Not until he takes the handcuffs off.” He pointed at my bound wrists.

I flinched. Why was he so determined to get me out of this?

“Make sure you stay away from lowlifes like this.” The agent stuffed his badge back in his pocket.


I’d been called a lot of things but that was a new one.

“Your fan club isn’t getting any bigger.” Lexie wielded her truth bombs like a sword.

“At least I have one.” The juvenile remark was out of my mouth before I could think better of it.

I never spoke without thought.

The agent shoved my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

My feet refused to move.

Teague, Beau, Pepper, and Eric stood in front of the doors to the SUV like a human wall. Miss Adeline pushed out of her chair and joined them.

Lexie stepped out of the way.

At least I knew her position on the matter. This guy couldn’t lead me away in handcuffs fast enough for her liking. Why? Because we’d gotten off to an ugly start?

I didn’t particularly

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