Rise by Moonlight - Nancy Gideon Page 0,64

no sound as he hurried toward the stairs. First, he’d get Lydia to the negligible safety above then he’d come back for Carl. He’d gotten halfway up the graceful twist when a low rumbling broke gooseflesh. Very slowly, he bent to put Lydia down. When she refused to release him, he gently uncoiled her arms and whispered, “Go tell Ophelia I’ll be up in a minute. I need you to do that for me, so she won’t be scared. I’ll be right behind you. Don’t look back.”

Huge eyes glittering, she smushed a quick kiss on his cheek then ran.

Kip straightened, defensive fury boiling through him as he faced the shadowy figure now at the foot of the stairs. All in black, including a hooded half-mask through which lurid eyes sparked red and gold, the figure was definitely female. That made her no less dangerous, not after Savoie’s aunt had become a beast that nearly ended Cale’s life.

Sharp fangs appeared as the intruder placed her foot on the bottom riser. Words rumbled in an unrecognized growl.

“Time for you all to die, Terriot.”

Kip held his ground, letting his own basic nature lengthen teeth and hair. Muscle bulged, massive thighs straining fabric. As fingertips spouted razor-sharp claws, toenails curved, gripping the edge of the step for traction. No one was getting past him to harm his family. He widened his stance, becoming a wall of ferocious determination between her and his loved ones.

As the flame-eyed creature took her first step up, an explosive roar reverberated through the cavernous hall. Carl Fraser stepped out into the foyer, a gigantic pistol braced with both hands.

“Get away from my family, you bitch!”

Hand clasped to a seeping shoulder, their would-be attacker howled, fury tempered by pain as she stumbled back then fled through the kitchen area, presumably out the same way she’d stealthily entered.

“Holy shit!” Simon leaned over the balcony railing, eyes popped wide in amazement.

As the pistol began to waver in an equally startled Carl’s grip, Kip raced down the steps to pursue the intruder. By the time he returned from that futile quest, the rest of his family had gathered above. Very carefully, Kip eased the gun from his brother’s white-knuckled grip then hugged him tight.

“Was that a movie quote?”

“It was the only badass thing I could think of.”

Kip rumpled the teen’s close-cropped hair then stepped back. He showed the pistol to Ophelia as she hurried down the steps, loosely belted robe winging out behind her. “I thought you said this didn’t work?”

Carl cleared his throat. “Uncle Rico fixed it for me.”

Phe put her arms about them for a fierce squeeze. “Good ole Uncle Rico.” Stepping back, she turned a somber gaze to her mate. “We’re not safe here anymore.”

“I’ll find a place.”

Problem was, Kip wasn’t sure there was such a thing. Until Rico showed up at their gate with his mate and Babineau in separate vehicles.

Rico grabbed Kip and Carl up in a crushing hug then pushed away with an all-business, “Let’s get you guys outta here.”

Kip had no more questions, letting Rico stride into the house to take charge.

“Morning. Pack up and get ready to roll.”

Hiding her misgivings behind a polite smile, Ophelia asked, “Mind telling us where?”

They’d done the math. The children and their grandmother would go to Babineau’s where they’d be safe in his gated community, bunking in their extra room and huge rec area. Kip and Ophelia would stay temporarily with Rico while the brothers took care of business.

Phe didn’t ask what kind of business that might be. Instead, she targeted Rico more directly. “You gave a child a loaded weapon.”

Before Carl could yip that he was no child, his uncle draped an arm about his shoulders. “Yeah, I did. And showed him how to use it.”

Her eyes glistened. “Thank you.”

They packed light and fast, mood sober but not fearful, knowing they were in good hands.

Concerned by his youngest brother’s silent acceptance, Rico cut to it. “This isn’t your fault.”

“Brady knew about this place,” probably thanks to Olivia, “and was waiting until we got comfortable to strike.”

“I think it’s bigger than just Brady being a bitch.” At Kip’s prompting look, he explained. “This, on top of what happened with Colin, I’d say we’re all being targeted. Time to circle the wagons.”


While Ophelia made a temporary home for Kip and herself in Evangeline’s room, Max and Cale arrived in response to Rico’s call to discuss the ramifications of the Baton Rouge attack with him and his other two brothers.

“This is

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