The Rise of Fortune and Fury (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #5) - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,42

And I remember finding it odd how serene her facial expression was.”

“I can almost imagine it,” Carrick murmured.

“At any rate,” Zora continued. “They shackled me in place behind Kymaris—”

“Shackled?” Carrick growled in surprise.

“The process of receiving magic was not pleasant,” Zora explained with some bitterness. “I had to be restrained.”

Carrick wanted to ask her more about that process, but it was personal and, he suspected, highly unpleasant. If Zora was going to talk to anyone about it, it would be Finley. So he refocused her just on Kymaris. “When they took the magic you were holding and put it into Kymaris, what happened?”

“At first nothing,” Zora replied with a slight shake of her head. “And I thought… they must have gotten something wrong, but the entire room started to hum, then it started to vibrate, and there was such pressure my ears started to hurt. As if something was compressing in on us. And then… boom… she just exploded.”

“Exploded?” Carrick murmured, fascinated by the description.

“Not like blood and guts exploded, but more like her body blew apart in a spray of black dust that was sort of shimmery. I remember it hanging in the air. I held my breath so I wouldn’t breathe any in, and then it just sort of disappeared. I assumed that meant she had gone through the veil into the changeling’s body.”

Carrick dipped his head, making sure he had Zora’s eyes. “I’m sorry that happened to you. We’ll help you avenge what was done to you.”

“You don’t have to—”

Carrick cut her off. “I do. Because what was done to you has torn Finley up, and when someone hurts Finley, I make sure to hand out retribution.”

Zora looked off to the side to where her sister was talking to Titus before giving her attention back to Carrick. “Finley is lucky to have you.”

“I’m lucky to have her,” he countered.

Zora actually smiled, but it was a bit on the apologetic side. “I don’t pretend to understand what you two have. I never saw love and commitment in the Underworld. Relationships weren’t like that. More like business partnerships. But… it’s nice, I’ll have to say.”

Carrick had a pang of pity for all she had not only lost, but also what she’d have to re-learn in this world. It would be difficult for her at best, perhaps an impossibility at worst.

“What about Amell?” Carrick asked. Finley had filled him in on the ways that Amell had looked out for her, and while she didn’t give him details, he assumed there might be something romantic between them.

“He’s a friend who took great care of me throughout the years,” Zora replied, a very benign statement that didn’t say anything about their true relationship.”

Once again, Zora looked over at her sister before bringing her eyes back to Carrick. “But he was also the one who worked in conjunction with the Light Fae to fill me with magic throughout the years. It was painful, and he was part of it.”

This was news to Carrick. Finley had told him that Zora only ever talked about Amell with fondness and respect. In this instance, she sounded bitter.

And Carrick remembered something that happened in the Underworld. “When Amell brought us to you, he wasn’t happy that you’d kept the secret from him that you had a sister communicating with you.”

“No, he wasn’t happy at all,” Zora agreed.

“And you replied back to him, something to the effect of ‘let’s not start playing games when it comes to secrets’.”

Zora nodded, her eyes flashing with anger. “As much as Amell has done for me throughout the years, even treating me magically to heal my pain from the sessions with Pyke, he had told me a very deep lie that I’m not sure I can forgive.”

“And what’s that?” Carrick asked softly. He noted that the song had ended and they both came to a stop on the floor, despite another song starting up that was also slow enough to continue to dance.

“When I got older, I asked him where I came from, and he told me I was an orphan taken off the streets back in the Earth realm. I had no idea I had a family, much less an identical twin sister. I know he thinks telling me that was for my own good, so I wouldn’t wonder what I was missing, but the first time Finley contacted me and I realized she was telling the truth, my trust in Amell was damaged.”

“Is it still?” Carrick asked. Really, at that Copyright 2016 - 2024