RIOT HOUSE (Crooked Sinners #1) - Callie Hart Page 0,145

and writhing on top of the mustang. Her toes curl and uncurl reflexively as I tease the shit out of her, using light, purposeful flicks with the very tip of my tongue to drive her crazy. She shakes and shivers underneath me so beautifully that it’s almost enough to make me weep.

“Wren! Wren, oh my god. Fuck you. Fuck you!”

She knows my game. I want to keep her here like this, made vulnerable, trapped in a highly compromising position and seesawing on the edge of coming for as long as I can get away with it. I might not be the cold, callous, cruel prince of Riot House anymore, but I can still be a bastard when I want to be. I dig my fingers into her hips and the delicious plumpness of her ass, crushed against the car, and I bide my time.

“God… Please…. Please… Please… Wren! Let me come!”

Where would be the fun in that? Her whole body convulses as I laugh. She bucks her hips up, trying to earn herself more pressure from my mouth, but I lean back just far enough to frustrate her. “Mmm. Now who’s being greedy?” Goddamnit, she’s delicious. I can’t get enough. I run the flat of my tongue up in a broad, torturously slow sweep, and poor little Elodie whimpers like she’s getting desperate.

Not long to go now, though. I can hear the distant rumble of an engine coming up the road. Using the tips of my fingers, I prime her, dipping inside her pussy, enjoying the way she fists my hair and pulls on it juuuuust a little too much. My dick feels like it’s about to explode, but I can wait.

“Please, Wren,” she begs. “God, please. I need you. I—I want you inside me so fucking bad.”

Closer. Louder. Whoever’s coming up the road’s almost upon us.

I thrust my fingers inside her, sucking the slick, tight knot of her clit into my mouth, rolling it with my tongue, and she fucking screams. My mouth floods with the sweet taste of her. I fuck her with my fingers, driving them up at an angle, finding that trigger that will make her see stars, and that’s when the Winnebago roars past us.

The horn blares. Someone leans out of the window and yells something unintelligible, but I hold fast. Elodie bucks, startled, trying to cover herself, but I pin her by her hips, growling out a warning. “Finish it,” I command. “Fuck my hand, Elodie. Fuck it.”

I move fast, climbing her body. I press the heel of my palm between her legs, right up against her clit, rubbing her, and I pump my fingers harder still…

Elodie’s eyes roll back into her head. “Oh my god.” Her hips work. I stare down and watch, completely fucking mesmerized, as my Little E grinds her pussy against my hand, her back arching off the hood of the car as she comes.

I have never been this turned on in my entire fucking life.

She reaches down between her legs and presses my fingers deeper inside her, driving my hand down onto her. “Fuck! Wren! Holy shhhhhhhh—” Her legs pull up toward her stomach. She rolls onto her side, pressing her forehead into my shoulder, shaking violently as she tries to survive the nuclear bomb that’s just gone off inside her head.

“Oh…my…god,” she pants. “Oh my god.”

I dip down, nuzzling past her hair so I can kiss her neck. It’s here that I allow myself a smug as fuck smile, but only because she can’t see me. “Shhh. It’s okay.” She lets out a plaintive cry when I draw my fingers out of her. She falls onto her back, her cheeks adorably flushed, and blinks up at the patch of blue sky above us like she’s still in a daze.

“Those people in that Winnebago definitely saw us,” she says.

I lay on my back beside her, resting my hands on my chest. “Yeah. They definitely did.”

Laughing, she covers her face with her hands. “How did that even happen? I was the one who was trying to be bad with you.”

Ahhh, Christ. This girl right here. I turn my head to the side, biting playfully on her earlobe. “You should know by now, Little E. You can try and be bad. But I can always be worse.”

Once she’s wriggled her cute ass back into her jeans, we get on the road. She complains bitterly that I won’t let her go down on me, but I know I’ll plough straight into a Copyright 2016 - 2024