The Right Swipe - Alisha Rai Page 0,70

think about how I’ll do this, what I feel most comfortable with. You know I don’t much like conventional meetings and lunches and so on with people.”

“I know.” Before his dad had gotten sick, it hadn’t been uncommon for Aunt Belle to ring their doorbell at midnight for an impromptu tea, or come and stay for a couple of weeks because she was craving domestic life.

Like business, Annabelle socialized according to her mood. Or horoscope. He had no idea how she’d handle meeting with potential buyers. “Tell me what you need from me. I’ll be there, wherever there is.”

“Don’t say anything to Rhiannon for now. I have to consider what I’m doing.”

He didn’t love that. If Rhi really had come over last night just to make sure he spoke with Annabelle, this was clearly a big deal for her.

He wondered why she hadn’t gone to William now, actually, if the other buyers had felt free to do so. Had she felt that the CEO would have heard shit talk about her? “I won’t say anything, but it’s already Friday, so if you want to do something next weekend . . .”

“Yes, of course. I’ll speak with Tina right now. Goodbye, dear, and don’t forget that we’ll have to schedule a date for you during the week too.”

He hung up and grabbed his now cold coffee. It tasted like ashes in his mouth, and he knew that wasn’t because it was cold.

He didn’t want to go on another date with another woman from Matchmaker. He wanted to see Rhi. In bed, in her car, on a rooftop. She was his Green Eggs and Ham, he’d take her anywhere.

He really did need to get up and shower now, but instead, he killed some time scrolling through the news headlines. Finally, his fingers tapped their way over to what he really wanted to do and opened his messages with Rhi.

He wouldn’t tell her Annabelle was going to meet with her. But he could calm some of her anxiety. Also, he’d slept with her yesterday, and temporary or casual or whatever, he didn’t feel comfortable not texting her today.

Spoke with Annabelle, and she’s thinking about it. No promises or guarantees yet. Don’t worry, she’s only heard good things about you.

He stared at that. There. That was practical and businesslike and he didn’t have to say anything more. Nothing that would betray Annabelle. Nothing that was too personal, nothing about the mind-blowing sex they’d had, nothing about how his sheets still smelled like her, and nothing about how he’d pressed his pillow against his nose last night to capture the scent of her body.

That would all be too much.

He hit send and put the phone down. Then he snatched it back up when it dinged immediately.

Thank you.

He swept his thumb over the words. Also stilted and formal. Colleagues. Not lovers.

He scowled. Scratched his belly. Finally, he typed, unable to help himself.

Yesterday was amazing. Let me know when you want to meet up again.

There. She could take that however she wanted. Meet up could mean sex, or it could mean their final, contractually obligated videotaped thing.

Business or pleasure. Her choice.

Of course, when his phone remained silent—at least when it came to texts from her—for the rest of the weekend, he realized he’d played himself.

Because she could easily choose neither.

Chapter Seventeen

RHIANNON STAYED in L.A. for the weekend rather than traveling back up to Katrina’s home. Partially because she wanted to bury herself in work and partially because she was still feeling low-key ashamed for her meltdown in front of her best friend, though she knew Katrina would never judge her.

She didn’t want to dissect her feelings about Matchmaker or Samson or Peter. She wanted to work.

An impossible task. She tried hiding her phone so she wouldn’t check every two minutes for updates from Samson. When she did cave and grab it, she found herself staring at Samson’s last text to her like an infatuated teenager.

Yesterday was amazing. Let me know when you want to meet up again.

What the fuck did that mean? Meet for what? Did the fact that he’d used a period convey something extra serious? Serious as in business serious or serious as in personal serious? Why was there no flirty emoji? Had he texted the mysterious Janet? Had he used a period and a flirty emoji in his text to her?


Monday morning brought with it a host of issues to deal with, and given that they were on the West Coast, Rhiannon started her Copyright 2016 - 2024