Right Next Door - A.J. Pryor Page 0,65

the top of her head, I pull the cover up and over us tucking her into the curve of my body, holding her until she falls asleep.

I sit straight up in bed, my heart on overdrive and my hands slightly shaking. Scanning the room, it takes a moment to remember I’m in Damian’s bed and that I’m completely naked. Damian’s hand, which had been resting comfortably on the swell of my breast, has fallen to the mattress, his body languid in sleep.

A clock on the nightstand tells me it’s well past two in the morning. The apartment is quiet; the only sound the hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen. Comforted by the silence, I lie back down, assuming whatever woke me, must have been a dream.

Damian is shirtless, his jeans hanging loose around his waist. Illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window, he looks like he could be a dream, my dream.

Scanning his solid and strong body through the wisps of moonlight, it’s impossible not to be taken in by all he’s got going on. I’ve seen it so many times before, his chest and back shirtless as he runs or leisurely hangs out on the balcony. The way his muscles flex with each movement he makes has always taken my breath away. But looking at him now, completely relaxed somewhere in dreamland, his sculpted abs and chiseled chest are equally as magnificent and I can’t believe he’s mine.

Desire overcomes me. When I said slow, I didn’t mean us. I wanted him to move slow, I wanted to enjoy each touch, each caress, each kiss, to savor it this time, not rush to the finish line. But I’m dealing with a man who wants long term, not one night. He’d been honest with me about what he needs and now it’s my turn to give it back.

I didn’t get the life I had planned, and that still haunts me, but maybe what I’m getting instead is a whole lot better.

Before I can talk myself out of it, my hands glide over his stomach and up to his chest. His skin is smooth with a slight amount of hair passing through my fingers. His powerful form twitches spontaneously as I run a palm over each of his shoulders and down his arms, picking up his strong hands. They’re big and warm, completely covering each of mine. The rough calluses tingling my skin as I run my fingers over them.

Tracing the large bones that outline the back of his hands, I’m in awe at how this small movement can cause a flicker of arousal between my legs. I want these hands on me again, caressing the lines of my body and making me quiver. I want to feel that hard length of him press into me in need and I want him to wake up.

Planting a gentle kiss to his palm, I move my exploration to the buttons of his jeans. I run my hands along the top of his waistline, feeling the edge of his boxer briefs and wanting to hook a finger inside and pull them down his hips. Releasing each of the buttons on the denim, I begin to gently tug, hoping I can pull them off without waking him.

Moving my eyes up his body to look at his face before I take this any further, I’m caught off guard by the sight of his open eyes staring down at me with clear hunger.

His lips curl on the sides as our eyes meet.

“How long have you been awake?” I ask, startled.

“Since you sat up in bed, ten minutes ago.” His voice is husky, not from sleep, but desire that matches my own. He sits up and cups my face between those large hands.

“Are you okay?” Concern laces his voice as he searches my eyes in the dark.

My heart flutters at the tender way he’s handling me. This enormous strong man knows how to be gentle and so sweet it ruins me. I don’t know if I can be what he needs. But right now, in this moment, I need to be connected to him in any way possible.

“I want you.” It’s a matter of fact, not a question, not a demand, but a simple statement that lets him know I’m his if he chooses to do something other than stare in my eyes.

“Addison, my body is still on fire from earlier, if I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop myself from taking this further.”

Covering his

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