Right Move (Clean Slate Ranch #6) - A.M. Arthur Page 0,62

purpose; he simply wasn’t used to talking about it with other people besides Robin. It was too personal. “I have a travel blog that I started about two years ago. Mostly it was for fun. A way to document my travels in the tiny home, and then to show off my cats. I upload pictures I take and write brief essays on different things. Spirituality, how precious nature is, my perspective on the places I visit. It doesn’t make me a lot of money but I do get some ad revenue.”

“Oh wow, that’s really cool.” George’s hand jerked, as if reaching for his phone, only to remember there was no Wi-Fi. “When we get back will you show it to me?”

“Of course. It’s not a secret, it’s just personal, so I never bring it up.”

“I think it’s kind of amazing.” His smile dimmed. “Do you post about me?”

“Only in a vague way when I wrote about Ginger getting hurt and a very kind new friend was taking care of her. I didn’t mention you by name, only referred to you as G. I wanted to protect your privacy, since I hadn’t told you I was writing about you.”

“Okay, thanks. I mean, I didn’t figure you would, but...” He shrugged.

“I’m not offended that you asked. But I do agree with you about no picture accurately capturing this sky.” Levi tried, though, taking a long panoramic shot of the beauty above them. “Do you mind if I write about our vacation? Vaguely, of course.”

“I don’t mind. How could I say no? You write about where you travel to, and this is a new part of the land for you.”

“Thank you, George.” He shoved his hands into his own jacket pockets so he didn’t haul George into his arms and kiss him soundly under those magical stars. What was it about moonlight and nature that made George so hard to resist? They’d shared a similarly intense moment last night on their walk. Arousal buzzed across his skin, and Levi bit his tongue hard to stave it off.

The last thing he needed was to return to camp with a boner.

George was staring at his mouth, and that was a problem. Levi took three steps backward and gazed up at the sky. Pointed out a few more constellations he recognized to pass the time before the night air got uncomfortably cold. They headed back to the campfire. Two-person tents had been pitched, and the Porter-Sanchez quartet was nowhere in sight; two tents were zipped up. Miles pointed out the last unclaimed tent.

“I think I’m going to read on my phone for a while,” George said. “Get a little solitude.”

“Of course.” Levi sat on a log next to Hugo and watched George disappear into their tent. Good grief, but they seemed a lot smaller in person. At least they’d have two sleeping bags between them. Still, Levi didn’t want to be the guy who woke up humping his friend because he couldn’t control his dick.

So he’d stay up as late as possible and hopefully be too exhausted to do more than pass out.

“You and George seem really friendly,” Hugo said quietly, their conversation mostly masked by the cracking of the fire.

“We’re getting there.” When Levi first came to the ranch last winter, Hugo had flirted with him pretty heavily, and Levi had been flattered. And interested. But their single date in Levi’s home proved they didn’t have any real chemistry. They’d remained friends, though, no awkwardness over the brief encounter. “George is a special guy. It’s nice to see him opening up. Pushing against his comfort zones in positive ways.”

“Well, you be good to him, then.”

Levi blinked. “I—what? Of course I’m good to him. He’s a terrific friend.”

Hugo snickered and leaned in closer. “Dude, anyone with eyeballs can see how you two look at each other. There’s no sense in pretending.”

Oh great.

“Please, don’t gossip about it,” Levi whispered. “George is an intensely private person and gossip will make him hugely uncomfortable.”

Hugo mimicked locking his lips with a key. “And if you don’t want others to gossip, maybe stop making moon eyes at him when he isn’t looking.”

“Duly noted, and I thank you for your discretion.”

“No problem. I mean, you never spread my stuff around, so I won’t spread your stuff around.” During their single date, Hugo had told Levi a bit about his past, including the tidbit that he had—by some epic twist of fate—grown up in Texas one town over from fellow ranch horseman Colt

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