Right Move (Clean Slate Ranch #6) - A.M. Arthur Page 0,6

heartbreak just yet. It had been over a year since Grant, and his libido was definitely on board with something casual—if he could find someone.

“What are your plans for the next two months?” Shawn asked Levi. “I’m donating my time down at the ranch in the guesthouse, so I’ve got something to keep me busy.”

Shawn was the pastry/sous chef at the ghost town saloon, and he lived in a cabin with Robin down at the ranch while they house hunted. Last year, the ranch cook Patrice had broken her collarbone right before Thanksgiving, and Shawn was hired to cook for guests in her place. It was how Robin and Shawn began their flirtation and eventual romance, and this year Shawn had the same two-month break as everyone else from the ghost town.

“I’m honestly not sure,” Levi replied. “Maybe I’ll spend some time exploring local attractions for my blog. Haven’t had much time to do that yet.” Even though he’d been in Garrett for ten months, he was usually too exhausted after work to do anything except stream television shows. And on his weekend—the ghost town was closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays—he was often practicing or wandering the land.

“How about you, man?” Levi asked Robin. “Gonna sit on your ass and whittle another chess set for Shawn?”

“Ha ha.” Robin flipped him off. “No, I’ve got some woodworking commissions to keep me busy. With Christmas coming up, I got a few extra orders through the general store.”

Wood whittling had been a hobby for Robin for a long time, until he started selling pieces in the ghost town’s general store this past spring. Now he had a good little side business to help supplement his income, especially during two months without pay. Levi would be fine. He had an income from his blog and no rent to pay on the land. Only monthly payments on his house and truck, and insurance every six months.

He just needed to stay busy so the road didn’t call him too loudly.

Not that he couldn’t travel for a while and come back to roost in two months...

“Hey, there’s the crafty cowboy!” someone shouted.

Levi glanced at the front door. Former ranch hand Slater and his boyfriend, Derrick, had arrived, and they had a pair of unexpected companions: the Thompson twins. Levi knew immediately which was Orry and which was George, because George had haunted eyes. He’d met them this summer on July 4th when the pair visited the ghost town. George had been enchanted by the horses and seemed intrigued by Levi and Robin’s trick riding routines. But there was something about his big, blue eyes that had captivated Levi five months ago, and he was a little ashamed that he’d actually searched George’s name online.

He had been shocked to realize the young man he’d met had once been rising-star figure skater Georgie Thompson. Levi respected the hell out of athletes like figure skaters and gymnasts because he knew all about technique and precision. One wrong move on a racing horse, and Levi could fall and break his neck.

Just like Xander had.

Levi straightened, intending to go reintroduce himself. Maybe start up a conversation with George.

Except George took in the crowded room, went exceptionally pale, and then bolted back outside.

Chapter Two

I can’t do this, I can’t do this, I can’t do this. Fuck!

George hadn’t woken up this morning with butterflies in his stomach. No, he’d woken up with a gut full of angry, buzzing hornets that stung his insides and insisted he cancel Thanksgiving dinner in Garrett. But Orry had been excited all week, and George wouldn’t be selfish. So he’d taken his meds, along with antacids, and tried to relax.


He’d barely kept his legs from bouncing the entire hour-long car trip outside the city, and even though the Garrett area was now slightly familiar after having been here once before, the big sign advertising the ghost town did nothing to calm him. He swore it somehow made his anxiety worse, and he was a jumpy mess when Derrick parked his car near a sea of other vehicles. Way more than George had anticipated.

It had taken a quiet pep talk from Orry before he could even get out of the car. Derrick and Slater waited patiently, though, aware of how hard this was for George. “Come on, it’ll be okay,” Orry whispered, one hand on his right elbow.

Walk, you idiot. Walk.

He somehow managed to walk onto the spacious front porch, noting the furniture and people chilling outside. The log cabin

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