Right Move (Clean Slate Ranch #6) - A.M. Arthur Page 0,108

he wasn’t comfortable with, and that was something he was only used to from Orry. The lack of pressure. Everyone else in George’s life had always pushed him. Pushed him to skate better, faster. To lose weight and be slimmer. To be the best.

All Levi ever asked George to be was himself.

The last day George was in town, their quartet mostly worked on the floors. The kitchen cabinets were due to arrive tomorrow, and they’d hired professional installers to do the work. “Absolutely worth the money to do it right,” Robin said. “Shawn deserves the best kitchen we can afford.”

“Any kitchen is fine,” Shawn replied, his cheeks red. “But this new one is infinitely better than what used to be here. And don’t they say that kitchens sell houses? So if we decide to move in the future, we’ll have a great selling point.”

“You just bought the house and you’re thinking about moving?” George asked.

“No, not anytime soon. But we both know that the future is malleable, and we probably won’t work at the ghost town forever. I could get a kitchen job offer, Robin could get some other sort of offer. This is our home for now, though, and we’re going to take life one day at a time.”

“Best way to take it,” Levi said. “One day at a time. One issue at a time.” He caught and held George’s gaze. “One promise at a time.”

George smiled.

Being driven back to the apartment—home no longer felt like the right word without Levi there—sucked but it was a necessary evil. Since Orry was working until eleven, they spent some quality time in George’s bedroom before Levi had to leave. He’d enjoyed the last few days helping Shawn and Robin fix up their house, and he hoped to spend a few days next week if possible. But George needed to work, and the ghost town opened for the new season a week from tomorrow, which meant Levi, Shawn and Robin would all be busy preparing.

He worried a bit about Levi going back to work full time after getting used to him being available at the drop of a hat. That was part of being in an adult relationship, though. Managing their schedules with their personal time.

Part of being an adult was also facing his past and, that night, alone in his room, George searched for a video of his last big skate. The footage wasn’t the best, and his stomach ached as he pressed play. Then the music filled his room the same way it had once filled his soul and his muscles, and it eased that ache. He recalled the joy of gliding across the ice. Of performing perfect jump combinations to thunderous applause. Of spinning so fast on one skate he thought he’d fly away into the heavens.

And he smiled. Truly, genuinely smiled. He’d been talented. He’d had potential. But skating hadn’t been his future. Maybe one day he’d have the courage to find a rink and put on skates again. To remember what he’d loved for so many years—until he lost that love.

Not yet, but at least now he could look at his past self and see beyond the shame. See the joy he’d once possessed for the sport. Maybe he could even teach Levi to ice skate the way Levi had taught him to ride a horse.

I think I’d like that.

Orry impressed the hell out of him by taking off all his varied jobs for opening day of the ghost town. He, George and Zoey drove out to Garrett for the event. Even though Robin and Levi did trick riding demos every day, they had a more elaborate demonstration planned for opening day, and George was pleasantly surprised when Levi led their trio into the town before the official opening time of ten o’clock.

At the corral where Levi and Robin performed, Levi introduced George to Doug Peletier. His father. Doug had flown out to support his sons, just like he’d been there last year, and George was absolutely floored by the kindness of the older man.

“Never thought I’d see the day Levi settled down with someone worthy of him,” Doug said as he shook George’s hand. “I never heard him talk about that Grant fellow the way he talks about you, George. You must be a special person.”

George’s face blazed. “Levi is amazing, sir. He’s talented and kind and I’m honored to be in his life. He gives me so much.”

“Don’t sir me, son. Doug is fine.” Something

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