The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,99

about not feeling well. He held her tighter and hoped his baby was safe.

Chapter Forty-Two

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MARTI WAS LYING in the hospital bed in agonizing pain. She’d dislocated her shoulder, severely bruised her back, and twisted her knee quite badly.

Her leg was in a brace suspended above the bed keeping it straight. The throbbing through her leg kept pace with her heartbeat. Her whole body tensed, wound tight as a spring just waiting to be let go. She held herself rigid, trying to fight the pain. The medication they were giving her didn’t even touch it.

The doctor did an ultrasound and checked on the baby, reassuring her he was safe and sound. She was so relieved by the news she’d cried and watched the monitor and her baby’s heartbeat with such wonder.

Because of the trauma of the fall and the pain she was in, she spotted blood. The doctor told her it was okay and nothing to be concerned about, yet. She’d have to wait and see, hope the minimal bleeding stopped and she didn’t develop any cramping.

She spent the very early morning concentrating on breathing normally and deeply and trying to relax her body. It was a supreme act of will to relax her muscles and not fight the pain. She was also fighting the horrible pain in her heart after Cameron dismissed her completely when he came home.

Jimmy had told her about the call from Shelly and she was even more despondent. He’d believed Shelly. He actually thought she’d try to hurt Shelly and her imaginary baby.

Sometime in the night she’d become numb to the pain in her heart and soul over Cameron’s betrayal and began concentrating on keeping the pain in her body under control.

“Marti, can we come in?” Sam stood in the doorway with Elizabeth behind him. Jenna and Jack were with them.

“Yes,” Marti said and tried desperately not to move.

They all came in and Marti lay as still as stone.

“Jimmy called this morning and told us what happened.” Sam came to her bedside and took her hand. The moment he raised it, she went completely white and squealed in pain. He dropped her hand.

“Don’t move anything. Too much pain.” She closed her eyes and tears ran down her face.

“Oh, Marti. What happened?” Elizabeth wanted to cry for her. She looked like death.

“Shelly. Emma. Tried to take necklace,” she said breathlessly. “Pushed me down the stairs.”

“Shelly pushed you down the stairs because of Emma’s necklace. Shelly tried to take Emma’s necklace?” Jack was surprised. He knew the woman was obsessed with all things expensive, but to take a little girl’s necklace was low.

“They were arguing at the top of the stairs. Shelly was holding the necklace up over her head and yelling at Emma.”

“Take it easy, Marti. You don’t have to talk if it hurts too much,” Sam said and wiped a tear away.

She wanted to tell someone. She needed someone to believe her. “I told her to give it back to Emma. She wouldn’t and I grabbed it. She shoved me down the stairs backwards. I dislocated my shoulder and twisted my knee.”

“Where the hell was Cameron? I sent him home early,” Jenna said, outraged. “How could he let this happen?”

“He came in after I went down the stairs. I tried to tell him, but he ignored me and went to her.”

“Jimmy told us he left you on the stairs and why.”

“He always chooses her.” She closed her eyes and waited for the nausea to pass and to get control over the pain again. She took several slow breaths.

“Marti, what did the doctor say about the baby?” Jenna asked, concerned.

“You know.” She hadn’t told anyone but Cameron. He must have told one or all of them. Maybe he was happy about the baby. If he was, maybe they had a chance to work things out.

“Elizabeth and I knew when you ate your bizarre lunch the other day. Cameron confirmed it yesterday. Nice job proving it to him. Pretty direct.”

“Cameron doesn’t give me the benefit of the doubt. She lies and he believes her without a doubt.”

“We all think he’s an idiot.”

“The baby is fine, so far.” She glanced from Sam to Jack with her eyes only. She’d already learned turning her head wasn’t an option. She hated to talk about woman things with them there, but what the hell. These four were the only friends she had and they cared about her.

“I’ve been spotting a little blood, but the doctor thinks it will stop if Copyright 2016 - 2024