The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,73

would come second, just like she had every time he’d chosen Shelly over her.

The door closed, Cameron left, and she continued to cry herself to sleep. Maybe tomorrow would be a better day.

Cameron leaned against the door, listening to the sound of Marti sobbing. It washed over him in a wave of pain. The pressure in his chest grew so tight, if he took too deep of a breath, he’d explode.

He turned to go back inside. He couldn’t leave her like this.

“Darling, it’s time to go home,” Shelly called from the stairs.

Cameron laid his palm on the door and dropped his head. Eyes closed, he silently said the words he had no right to say to her.

I love you.

He left with his family, hoping Marti had somehow heard him and it healed some of the hurt he’d caused. Nothing would, but maybe one day thoughts of him and their time together wouldn’t make her cry.

Chapter Thirty-One

* * *

THE NEXT DAY turned out to be the beginning of the end. She woke up feeling sick. She knew it was the pregnancy and decided it was time to confirm what she already knew. She had three different boxed tests in her bathroom. She took one, read the directions, peed on the stick, and waited all of ten seconds to see the test reveal she was in fact pregnant. The test said it took up to three minutes, but apparently it didn’t need that long to tell her what she needed to know. She didn’t need the other tests to be sure. She was pregnant with Cameron’s baby.

She promptly threw up, sat on the floor, and cried. Overwhelmingly happy and sad at the same time, she lost Cameron and gained the child she’d always wanted. She dreamed of having a family of her own. She couldn’t have it all, but she’d at least have a child to make it easier to bear losing Cameron and Emma.

Once she pulled herself together and dressed, she stepped out of her room only to see the physician running up the stairs and racing to George’s room. She ran after him.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s begun. He’s on a downward spiral. He woke up this morning and he can’t move his legs. The night nurse called me.”

“How long does he have?”

“It’s hard to tell. He can still speak, though it’s slurred. He’s breathing on his own and he’s awake. We’ll watch him today and see how things go. I’ll stay for the duration. I’ll make him as comfortable as possible.”

“I’ll stay with him. Have you called his son and daughter?”

“Not yet.”

“I’ll make the calls first and come back in to sit with him.”

She made the calls to George’s children. To her dismay, they both said they had busy days and would get there when they could. Their cold and callous attitude made her sick. No wonder she’d found him on the dock almost two months ago. Her promise to him meant even more now. She was all he had.

She called Cameron at the penthouse, hoping to catch him there. Surprisingly, Shelly answered.

“Shelly, this is Marti. I need to speak with Cameron.”

“He’s busy getting Emma ready to go.”

“It’s important. Will you have him call me right away? It’s urgent. George is dying.” She had a feeling Shelly didn’t want to give Cameron the message. She didn’t know what else to do.

“I’ll give him the message when I see him. Goodbye.”

Marti stared at the dead phone in her hand and frowned. She left it on the table and shelved her own anger and frustration to go to the man who needed her.

She entered George’s room, dismayed to see how pale and gaunt he looked. In just a few days, he’d deteriorated to a shell of his former self. She went to the bed and sat beside him and took his hand.

She’d sat by her grandmother’s deathbed and been there for her death. A difficult task, but one she wouldn’t abandon. George was her friend, and she wouldn’t let him die alone.

“Tell me, Marti, are you in love with Cameron? I know there’s something special between you, but there are also obstacles. Tell me, despite everything he’s put you through, you love him.”

“I do, George. I love him with my whole heart and I believe he loves me in the same way.”

“He’s marrying her because she says she’s pregnant. I don’t believe she is, and neither do you.”

“No, I don’t. I’ve tried to talk to Cameron, but he’s adamant about giving his baby a Copyright 2016 - 2024