The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,64

the more expensive, the better.

Things had changed since he watched Marti walk out the door of his penthouse two weeks ago. He’d made a concerted effort to get to know Shelly better and make her a part of his life. He’d even taken her to dinner at George’s. He knew it was just another stab in the back to Marti, but he couldn’t help it. He had to make things right with Shelly, which meant accepting her as part of his life.

He had to let Marti go. He thought he was doing a good job of changing things between them to more of a friendly acquaintance. He told himself the lie that they were only friends; every second of every day he spent thinking about her and the time they’d spent together making love.

He watched Shelly closely over the last two weeks. The more he accepted her, the more she settled down and took a real interest in Emma. Pleasant to be around, she remained appropriate at all his business dinners and at George’s. She never said anything snide or contrary to Marti. In fact, she ignored her unless absolutely necessary to speak to her.

Emma began to like Shelly. She chatted with her and they’d even sat and watched a movie together the other night.

While Shelly seemed to be doing better with Emma, she was a long way from being a mother to her. He felt like he’d lost two mothers for Emma, Caroline, and Marti.

He figured if things had improved this much in two weeks, over a lifetime things could change considerably. He’d accept her as a wife and companion and Emma would find a way to see her as a mother. Maybe just a friend.

He hadn’t made love to Shelly since Marti left the penthouse weeks ago. He told her he wanted to wait until after they were married. She’d thought it an old-fashioned idea, and at the same time accepted it saying she’d been having some cramping due to the pregnancy and her changing body and the doctor told her to take it easy.

He was concerned about the cramping and told her so. She said it was normal and not to worry, she’d take good care of his baby.

He’d pampered her ever since, making sure she stayed off her feet and rested. He asked her to quit her job, which she protested because she had expenses, so he’d paid off all her bills. Nothing was more important than her health and that of his baby. He’d do anything and everything to prevent a repeat of Caroline’s devastating fate.

They would move in together at the penthouse the night of the wedding ceremony. Elizabeth had agreed to keep Emma for the night and he’d had a new bed delivered to the house. Neither Emma nor Shelly said a word when the men arrived to deliver it. He’d simply said a new wife deserved a new bed. He’d even let Shelly go with him to pick out new sheets, pillows, and blankets. Nothing remained of his morning with Marti, except the perfectly clear details in his mind.

He rubbed the back of his neck. He was tired. He felt like he was working three jobs. Things at Merrick had become even more hectic, and he’d gotten a call from Fairchild Industries to work on a development deal on some property they owned. It was a great opportunity and would build community ties. A great project, one they requested he work personally on with Fairchild Industries. He’d been working to put together the proposal for the building and finances.

His mind veered back to Marti. He wondered if she’d be there tonight. Every time they went to see George, he wondered if this would be the day George said she was gone. He wondered if she left, would he ever see her again. What would he do when that day finally came?

Please, God, let her be there. I just want to look at her. I just want to be near her.

“Darling, did you hear me?”

“What? No. I was thinking about a land deal I’m putting together.” It was partly true.

“We’re almost there. What did George say he wanted to talk to us about?”

“He didn’t. He probably wants to give us a wedding gift or something. He’s getting worse each day and I’m sure he just wants to make sure he congratulates us on the wedding and the baby while he has the chance.”

George hadn’t been specific and Cameron wondered why he’d sounded so Copyright 2016 - 2024