The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,52

“How far along are you?”

“It’s very early in the pregnancy. That’s why Cameron and I are getting married so fast. He wants me to be thin and beautiful on our wedding day.”

“I’m sure that’s his first concern about your wedding.”

She blocked the door, refusing to allow Shelly in. Spiteful, but something small to repay her for all the unkind things she’d said and done to her.

“Let me in.”

“No. Cameron isn’t home, Emma is sick, and I don’t want to talk to you.”

Shelly was losing her patience. She wanted to get into the penthouse while Cameron was away, a perfect opportunity to look around alone and decide what changes she might want to make, how she’d like to redecorate. She also wanted to see all the lovely, expensive things Cameron had in the house.

“I’m Cameron’s fiancé. If I want to come into his house, I can.”

“If he wanted you here when he wasn’t, he’d have given you a key.”

“Things have happened so quickly for us, he overlooked it. He didn’t want Emma to be confused by my coming and going.”

“Cameron has good sense when it comes to his daughter. Like I said, she’s sick and needs to have quiet so she can rest. Cameron will be home tomorrow night. I’m sure you already knew, however.”

“Of course I did.”

“What are you doing here now, when he told you he didn’t want you coming and going and confusing Emma?” She used her sweetest voice to irritate Shelly even more.

Marti got a sweet sort of satisfaction watching the woman steam outside the penthouse door. She was sure at any moment her head would explode. Her ears went red with rage.

“I want to come in and look around before we hold the ceremony in a few weeks. I need to make sure there’s enough room for everyone.”

Marti couldn’t help herself. She glanced over her shoulder at the huge living area and decided a hundred guests would fit comfortably.

“They’ll be plenty of room,” she said.

About to close the door in Shelly’s face, she took a determined step toward her and braced her hand flat on the door.

Down the hall, another door opened and a beautiful brunette woman came out and walked down the hall. Two twin little blonde heads peaked out the door before Jack grabbed them.

“Hi, Jack.”

“Hi, Marti.” He scooped up his little boys and took them back inside.

The amazing Jenna Turner was about to make her introduction. Marti heard a lot about her from Jack, Sam, and Cameron while they were on the ship and over the last few weeks.

“Marti, I’m desperate,” Jenna said and looked Shelly up and down, making it clear she didn’t approve. “Could I borrow a cup of sugar?”

Marti choked back a laugh, didn’t so much as crack a smile. “I’m sure you know where Cameron keeps it. Please, help yourself.”

When Jenna reached the door, she passed Shelly without so much as a hello and stepped past Marti into the penthouse.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have company.” Marti closed the door on Shelly’s gaping face.

Marti assumed Shelly knew just who the woman was who entered the penthouse. Shelly couldn’t make a scene in front of Cameron’s boss and she knew it.

Ah, revenge is very sweet.

Marti turned from the door. Jenna sat in the chair in the living room facing her. She looked regal with the bank of windows behind her.

“She’s probably pissed you know where the sugar is and have been inside Cameron’s house and she hasn’t.”

“I have no idea where the sugar is, but I have been in here a lot. My boys love to play with Emma. We often swap play dates when one or the other has another appointment or engagement. I’m Jenna, by the way. Jack’s wife.”

“I know. I’m Marti. It’s nice to finally meet you. Thank you for coming over to rescue me. I think she was ready to shove me out of the way to get in here.”

Marti sat on the sofa nearest Jenna and smiled.

“I find it interesting Cameron had you come to stay with Emma and not Shelly.”

“Tell me about it. I love that little girl, but sometimes I want to ring her father’s neck.”

“We’re all feeling the same way lately. I understand why he doesn’t want to trust Shelly with Emma after what happened on the ship. It makes me wonder what he’s going to do once he marries her.”

“I don’t know. At that point, I won’t have the ability to protect her. The only reason I’ve stayed involved this long Copyright 2016 - 2024