The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,46

you know I was Jack and not Sam?”

“No gun. Then again, I’m not positive. Maybe you are Sam. Take off your shirt, and I’ll reconsider.” She gave him a half smile and rubbed at her forehead.

Jack cracked up laughing.

“I’m Jack. You’ve got your sense of humor to go with a nasty bump on the back of your head.”

“At least I got something. Cameron brought me twins, and I couldn’t even keep them.” She smiled, but it died on her lips when everything that happened came back into focus in her mind. “How’s Emma?”

“She’s hanging in there. She thought she killed you and it was her fault.”

“It was that bitch’s fault. She’s going to wish she killed me.” Marti winced. The sound of her own voice hurt.

“I think Cameron wishes he could kill her. She’s still claiming she’s pregnant. And I mean adamantly. She’s been trying to play caring stepmother to Emma, but Emma isn’t having any of it.”

“I hope Cameron didn’t leave her alone with Emma again.”

“Nope. Cameron tries to avoid her at all costs. She placed an announcement in the newspaper about their engagement. He’s getting nonstop congratulations calls. He stopped answering his phone because he can’t stand to be congratulated once more on a marriage he doesn’t want. Shelly is doing everything she can to make it happen.”

“Wait. How long have I been here?”

“Going on four days. Cameron has been going nuts. He spends every night here with you, and one of us takes a shift during the day. He makes sure someone is here with you all the time.”

“You drew the short straw today?”

“Not really. We all volunteered. Even Jenna sat with you. She can’t wait to actually talk to you when you can answer her.”

“I’d like to meet her too. Did someone call George? I’ve been staying with him.”

“Cameron talked to him. George contacted your uncle. Your uncle contacted the hospital and gave them your information and you’ve been treated like royalty ever since.”

Marti was surprised her uncle had helped. The last time she’d seen him, he’d been furious with her. They weren’t close, but it was nice to know he’d come through for her.

“I don’t feel like royalty. I feel like someone dropped an anvil on my brain.”

“It’ll pass soon. So tell me, Marti, who are you? Everyone around here jumps every time your heart monitor increases a beat.”

She loved the intrigued look on Jack’s face. She didn’t answer his question, but gave him a reasonable explanation. “My uncle has a way of getting what he wants, when he wants it. He must have put on quite a show for whomever he talked to. He has a certain way about him. I’m sure you know people like that.”

The door flew open and Cameron rushed in with Emma in his arms.

“See, sweetheart, she’s just fine.” Cameron set Emma on the bed next to Marti and leaned over and kissed her forehead. Relief like he’d never felt washed over him. “I’m so happy to see you.”

Marti wanted to cry. She loved this man and he was going to marry someone else. She wanted to grab him and hold onto him and beg him not to marry Shelly.

She couldn’t bring herself to do it, so she grabbed Emma and pulled her down to her and held her close. She kissed the little girl on the cheek and wiped away her tears.

“It’s all right, Sugar Bug. I’m just fine. I was just sleepy after that long swim in the ocean.”

“The doctor said you knocked your noggin and it made you sleep like Sleeping Beauty.”

“Well, the doctor would know.” Marti appreciated the doctor’s attempt to make things easier for Emma.

“I made Daddy kiss you, but you didn’t wake up like Sleeping Beauty. He said he wasn’t your Prince Charming.” Emma frowned.

He’s Shelly’s. Marti wanted to cry.

Cameron rubbed the back of his neck. She wouldn’t even look at him, and he knew what she was thinking. He wasn’t her Prince Charming because he was a stupid idiot, and he was marrying Shelly.

He had kissed her. It had been the sweetest torture to kiss her, even if she was unconscious. He’d touched her every chance he got and watched her for long hours while she slept.

He dreamed about sleeping with her and waking up every morning to her face. He wanted to be able to touch her and kiss her whenever he wanted.

“Sugar Bug, I want to talk to you about something.”

“Am I in trouble because you got hurt?”

“No. No, Sugar Bug. Copyright 2016 - 2024