The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,44

couldn’t be hurt. He took her hand and rubbed his fingers over her warm skin.

“Marti, sweetheart, please wake up,” he begged.

“She’s in a coma. Didn’t anyone know she was hurt?”

“No, we were so worried about Emma, no one asked Marti if she was okay. She seemed fine. She never complained about anything. She just wanted to be with Emma.” Cameron looked at Marti lying statue-still in the bed. This couldn’t be happening. He brushed his fingertips gently over her pale cheek.

Sam knew what happened. “The adrenaline kept her going. She was so worried about getting Emma to the hospital and making sure she was okay, she didn’t realize she was hurt bad enough to need medical help.”

“She fell asleep with a concussion and fell into a coma. We’ll see how bad the concussion is and give her some medication to bring down the swelling in her brain.

“Are you her husband?” The doctor turned to Cameron.

“No, I’m not,” he said, disappointed. He remembered what she’d said in the shower.

She has everything I want. You’ll all be a family, and I’ll be alone again. I won’t have Emma, and I won’t have you.

Elizabeth and Sam’s eyes fell on him, but he couldn’t answer their unspoken concern.

Cameron rubbed his hand over the back of his neck and watched them lift Marti’s limp body onto the gurney and take her away.

“Are any of you family?”

“No,” Cameron answered again. “She has an uncle. I know someone I can call and find out his information.”

He grabbed the doctor’s arm before he went after Marti. “Listen, my name is Cameron Shaw. I run the Emma Shaw Charitable Foundation. We donate a lot of money to this hospital and the neonatal unit. Contact the administrator of the hospital. They’ll verify it. I want Marti to have anything she needs. I’ll pay for it.”

“What’s her last name?” the doctor asked and pulled out his pen to take down the information.

Cameron stared at the doctor at a complete loss. He had no idea what her last name was, or what her uncle’s name was, or anything. He only knew she was the most important person in his life besides Emma. He needed her.

“I’ll go call George,” he said and left the room to find a phone. He couldn’t use his cell in the hospital.

The doctor left the room and Elizabeth stayed with Emma.

“Is she going to die like my mommy did?”

“I don’t think so, sweetheart. She bumped her head really bad and she needs to rest. The doctor will give her some medicine to make her feel better.” Elizabeth held Emma to her chest and kissed her head.

“If she dies, it will be all my fault, again.” Emma buried her head in Elizabeth’s neck and cried.

Sam took off after Cameron. He couldn’t listen to Emma blame herself for what happened. They all knew who was at fault.

He found Cameron in the waiting room on the phone with George. Apparently, he didn’t like what he was hearing. He hung up and rubbed the back of his neck. Sam hadn’t seen him do it this much since he and Jenna were in the middle of a particularly difficult corporate buyout.

“George is contacting her uncle. He said he doubted he’d come down here. They don’t get along and have recently had some problems. George is coming down to see her. He said not to worry, he’d take care of everything. As if I can’t?”

“You’re doing a bang-up job so far. Let’s recap, shall we? You meet Shelly, sleep with her because she reminds you of your dead wife—I can’t blame you, she’s a knockout right up until she opens her mouth. She claims she’s pregnant and you believe her, even though we all think she’s lying. You make the situation worse by asking her to marry you when we both know you don’t want to marry her. Hell, she knows you don’t want to marry her, but she’s using the baby to make sure she gets her ticket to easy street and the brass ring to boot, or rather gold or platinum in this case. You meet a really great woman like Marti and you want her, and she wants you. She’s great with Emma and goes out of her way for your daughter.

“Then she invites you onto her outstanding ship and you show her your appreciation by fucking around with Shelly below deck and Marti finds out. That ship, in case you’ve forgotten, is Marti’s only home. You should have seen her Copyright 2016 - 2024