The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,36

right down to the way they walked. One wore a red polo shirt and the other a dark blue T-shirt. Both men wore cutoff jeans and boat shoes. They would do well on the ship. If they hit rough water, Shelly was going to have a hard time on those heels.

Cameron was dressed much like the other two men. Khaki shorts, a black T-shirt, and boat shoes. Emma had on a sundress and water shoes. She wouldn’t slip on the deck and she was pretty well covered from the bright sun. Cameron carried a large bag, towels poking out the top. It probably held other necessary items for Emma. His daughter’s well-being was his top priority. Marti liked him for it.

Shelly’s mesh bag held her straw sunhat, several magazines, and a bottle of tanning oil.

This is going to be fun.

“You have to wear the life vest.” Exasperation filled Cameron’s voice.

“You know, we can leave you with the driver.” Shelly snapped out. The way she said it grated on Marti’s nerves.

They all stopped in front of her, looking eager to leave. To break the tension, Marti went with a joke.

“Cameron, really, you shouldn’t have. I mean, you said you owed me, but twins? Wow. I know they say men have fantasies about twins. I have to say, I’m warming up to the idea.”

Both Sam and Jack cracked up with laughter.

Shelly ruined it. “They’re married, honey, to wealthy women. Hands off.”

Marti looked directly at Cameron and frowned. “Now that’s just downright mean. You bring me twins and they’re married. To wealthy women no less,” she said sarcastically.

Cameron smiled. “This is Sam, he’s married to Elizabeth from the restaurant.”

Cameron indicated the man in the red shirt. She shook his hand.

“Damn, he’s married to a wealthy woman, and she’s beautiful and can cook. Now how am I supposed to lure him away from her? You’re just mean, Cameron.”

“I like her,” Sam said with a broad smile. “Elizabeth said you were great. She was right, as usual.”

“Sure, rub it in. She’s smart too. And she bakes. Who can compete with that?”

Sam cracked up again.

Even Cameron laughed. He couldn’t help himself. She sounded downright disgusted he’d brought Sam and she couldn’t have him.

He recovered enough to introduce his other friend.

“This is Jack. He’s married to Jenna, my boss. They’re like brothers to me and uncles to Emma.”

“Let me guess, she’s beautiful in addition to being wealthy. What else is she?”

“A wonderful mother and can turn the meanest stallion into a puppy dog. She’s also the love of my life.”

She looked sad. “Well, damn. You didn’t hear that, Sugar Bug.”

She held out her hand and smiled at Jack. “It’s nice to meet you both. Now, take off your shirts, and I’ll see if I can tell you apart without them.”

She smiled and rubbed her hands together mischievously. They were both gorgeously well-built men. She’d like nothing better than to see them half naked, but most of all she couldn’t help but continue with the joke and seeing Cameron smile.

“Elizabeth was right, you really screwed up, Cam. Do you think Elizabeth would kill me for keeping her?” Sam put his arm around Marti and squeezed. He also took note of the killer look he got from Cameron.

“I guarantee it,” Cameron said. Elizabeth was right. He had screwed up, and now he was paying for it, painfully. Jack and Sam would make sure he knew it too.

Sam began the fun and games at his expense. “Maybe we should introduce her to my partner, Tyler. I think they’d hit it off. What do you think, Cam?”

“I think you should mind your own business,” Cameron said irritably. He didn’t want to see Marti with Tyler, or any other man. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Marti’s smiling face.

Marti figured she’d change the subject.

“Shelly, we were never introduced. I’m Marti. It’s nice to meet you.” She shook Shelly’s hand and hoped the show of goodwill loosened her up.

It didn’t. Shelly shot daggers from her eyes at Marti.

“Well, Sugar Bug, looks like everyone is paired up. You’re all mine, I guess.”

Shelly leaned in and whispered, “Don’t forget it, honey.”

So much for goodwill. She scooped up Emma and gave her a hug. As usual, the girl held her tight like she didn’t want to let go.

Marti put Emma down and looked at her very seriously. “Ready to go?”

“Oh, yes. Where’s the boat?”

Marti turned and pointed way out in the harbor where her anchored ship bobbed on the waves. Too big Copyright 2016 - 2024