The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,34

was filled with cherries they dipped in the chocolate shakes and popped into their mouths.

Emma thought the tea party was so much fun. It did Marti’s heart good to see the girl so happy. They talked about her school. Marti told her some funny stories about sailing around the world and about her childhood. At every opportunity, Marti tried to reiterate Emma was special, and no matter what happened with her father, she would be okay.

They toasted each other with teacups. Cameron entered the dining room to the clink of china. What a picture they made. Sitting opposite each other on top of the long table, a pretty tea set and a plate of cookies sat between them. Emma looked so pleased. No doubt the tea party was a huge hit.

The two of them glowed under the crystal chandelier, spilling light over the sparkling jewels and the gold of Marti’s gown and Emma’s wrap. His little princess had a chocolate mustache and jelly from the cookies on her hands.

They made such an amazing picture. Two beauties having a tea party on top of a grand table in a grand room. He would have never thought to do something so amazing and imaginative for his daughter. Marti not only thought of it, she’d put the whole tea party together in a matter of minutes.

Their joined laughter had rolled over him, filled his aching heart, even in the face of learning his oldest and dearest friend was dying. George meant so much, had been a huge influence in his life. He filled a gap in his life Cameron hadn’t realized healed a bit more with each gesture George made toward him. Every game he attended, every encouraging word, every opportunity provided by George had filled the gaping hole in his heart. Losing George would be a profound loss for him and Emma.

Looking at Marti now, Cameron realized he owed George for her too. He’d brought Marti into his life and Emma’s and in a matter of days she’d made a huge impact on both of them.

Cameron wanted her. He realized his life was going to be less than whole without her in it. He felt the loss of her, even though he’d never had her.

“You two make a pretty picture,” he said from the entryway.

Marti turned toward Cameron and her heart ached. Seeing the sadness and anguish in his crystal blue eyes made her want to take away all the hurt, but she couldn’t, and that hurt her too. His life was in so much turmoil, yet when his gaze fell on Emma’s smiling face, the sadness softened to a love so deep she felt it from him too.

“I left my digital camera on the sideboard. Would you take our picture?”

He found the camera, turned it on, and snapped the photo. He couldn’t remember ever seeing his daughter smile so big or look so happy. He didn’t need the photo to remember this moment. He’d never forget it, or Marti.

“How was the tea party?”

“It was awesome, Daddy. Do you want a cup of chocolate tea?”

“No thanks. Um, sweetheart, Knight wants to talk to you for a few minutes. He wants to tell you a story before we go home.”


She stood on the table. About to throw her arms around Marti, her father yelled, “No. You’re covered in chocolate and jelly cookie. You’ll ruin Marti’s dress.”

“It’s all right. It’s just a dress. You can buy me a new one,” she mimicked his words to Shelly from the other night. “Actually, I can have it dry cleaned. I’d rather have the hug than the dress.”

Emma hugged her and jumped off the table carrying the napkin Marti handed her.

“This looks like some tea party. Milkshakes in tea cups, very imaginative.”

“Last night it was fruit punch in wine glasses, today milkshakes in silver water pitchers and tea cups. She brings out the child in me.” Marti smiled for Cameron and hoped he’d smile back. He didn’t.

Cameron was having a hard time dealing with the events unfolding in his life. He’d confirmed Shelly’s pregnancy, gotten engaged, told his daughter about the baby and the upcoming wedding, and gotten a less than enthusiastic response. He’d come to dinner, a chance to relax and enjoy an evening with an old friend, only to find out George was dying. The lost look on his face didn’t surprise her.

She scooted off the table and walked the few steps to him. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and held him Copyright 2016 - 2024