The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,32

around South America and more. I’ve spent days and weeks at sea and I’ve spent days and weeks in ports around the world. My grandmother wanted to give me the world, and she did in more ways than one.”

“What an amazing story, Marti.” Cameron was jealous of Marti’s trip. He’d love to sail around the world with Emma.

“My grandmother was an amazing woman.”

“What kind of sailboat is it?”

“If you want to see it, and you don’t mind my intruding, we’ll take it out tomorrow. I’ve missed the ocean these last few days and would love to spend a few hours out on the ship.”

“Ship implies a lot more than a sailboat for recreational use.”

“It’s a hundred and seventy-eight-foot custom-built ship. My grandmother bought it at auction because it reminded her of pirates on the high seas. She was very whimsical at times.”

Like her granddaughter. Cameron wanted to see the ship. He loved being on the ocean.

He already had plans to spend time with Shelly to go fishing. What did it matter if they did it on his boat or Marti’s ship?

“Wanna go for a ride?” she teased him. She didn’t know why she wanted to put a smile on his face, but she liked seeing him happy. “You know you do. I can see it written all over your face. How about you, George? Want to go sailing?”

“Not me. I’ll let you young ones go and have fun. My son and daughter are coming tomorrow for a visit and to make some arrangements.” George nodded at Marti for her understanding.

Cameron couldn’t resist. “I’m in. I’ve got to see this. Sam and Jack will be so jealous.”

“Bring them along. As many as you like. There’s plenty of room for whomever you want to bring.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Sugar Bug, do I look serious?”

“No. You look determined.”

“Close enough. Want to be a pirate tomorrow with me?”

“Yes.” The brilliant smile died on her face and turned into a sad frown. “I can’t be a princess anymore, so I guess I’ll be a pirate.”

“Why can’t you be a princess? You’re my princess.” George leaned forward to pat her on the knee.

“Shelly said if the baby is a girl, I won’t be Daddy’s princess anymore. She said the new baby would be the princess.”

“Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s what she meant. You will always be my princess.” Cameron didn’t like seeing his daughter’s feelings hurt, or knowing Shelly had been careless with her words.

Upset by this new development, Marti drew a deep breath. “Sugar Bug, you are making me work really hard tonight for a smile. George, I assume you still need to speak with Cameron.”

“Yes, I’d like some time alone with him.”

“Okay. Give me five minutes, and then I’ll take Sugar Bug here for dessert.”

“You didn’t even have dinner,” Cameron pointed out. She’d missed the meal and spent the last ten minutes trying to make his daughter feel better.

His gaze fell to her gorgeous legs and he sucked in a quick breath, surprised to see blood on her knee. “You’re bleeding. What happened?”

“I fell on the driveway. Your nice friend Jimmy helped me up. It’s nothing.” She stood with Emma and set her in her father’s lap. “Be back in a minute, Sugar Bug. I have a surprise you’ll never forget. I hope.

“George, the things you showed me yesterday downstairs. May I use some of them? I promise to put them back tonight.”

“Be my guest. Whatever you need.”

“Thank you. Would it be all right to ask Gregory to make something for Emma and me? I hate to impose if he’s finished for the night. Oh, never mind, I can do it myself.”

“No. Ask Gregory for whatever you need. I have to say, I’m intrigued.”

“Just wait and see.” She held her wicked grin, letting her plans form in her mind, and winked at Emma and headed for the kitchen. She had a terrific idea to make Emma smile again.

Chapter Fifteen

* * *

MARTI MADE ALL the arrangements with Gregory and rushed upstairs to change and grab what she needed for Emma.

She loved the rooms he’d assigned her. She told him about her work and her hobby of painting, and he’d accommodated her for her stay.

George gave her the blue room. Cream-colored walls were the backdrop to her beautiful antique four-poster bed with a soft, sky-blue silk coverlet. The midnight rug beneath the bed was so thick her toes sank into it. Every day, at George’s request, the staff freshened the vases of lovely garden roses and wildflowers. Copyright 2016 - 2024