The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,15

the stall. The other woman’s eyes went wide with surprise. Obviously, she’d thought she’d been alone after the server left. Marti washed her hands and ignored her. She left feeling sorry for whoever she confronted over the ruined dress.

She spotted George talking to some people and headed for him. “George, I’m so sorry I’m late.” She turned toward the people he was speaking to before she arrived. “Hello.”

“Cameron, Elizabeth, this is Marti.” He left out her last name, remembering their conversation earlier in the day. Cameron’s face went from distressed to intrigued in a flash. Interesting. Handsome, her stomach fluttered with nerves, but she smiled even though he didn’t.

“I’m pleased to meet you both,” Marti said and shook their hands. His was rough and warm.

A little girl barreled out of the kitchen’s swinging doors and skipped toward them. She looked so cute dressed in a dark green jumper and covered in white powder. She had it everywhere from the top of her golden head and all down her dress.

The woman from the bathroom rushed toward the girl looking fit to kill and calling to her. Marti stepped away from the table, her instinct to protect kicked into gear.

“You come here, right now.” Far enough from the table, none of the others heard her nasty tone. The woman quickened her pace toward the little girl. The girl sensed trouble and ran toward Marti.

“You come here right now, you little . . .”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Marti scooped up the little girl into her arms and glared over her shoulder at the irate woman.

Everyone behind her went silent. Marti took two steps back with the girl, who had a choke hold around her neck. Marti ran her hand over her golden hair and down her back. “It’s okay, Sugar Bug. You’re fine now. I have you.”

She glared at the other woman. Cameron stood from the table and moved in beside her.

“Shelly, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m sorry. She ruined my dress, and I just lost my head. I didn’t mean any harm, but the child needs discipline.”

“If my daughter needs anything, I’ll be the one to give it to her. Now sit down. You’re making a scene. It’s just a dress, for God’s sake. I’ll buy you a new one,” he said under his breath. She brushed past him. Her intentional rub against his chest with her breasts wasn’t lost on him. He inwardly cringed the moment she touched him, and he didn’t know why. She was a beautiful woman by any standard, but the blatant flirtation at this moment didn’t seem appropriate.

Although they stood in a private area of the restaurant, people stared through the archway and listened to the commotion.

Cameron looked at his daughter and Marti holding her so lovingly. He’d just met the woman, but he felt like he knew her, recognized her in some way. He had a hard time fighting the strange pull toward her. Especially when he saw his daughter in her arms, locked around her with absolute trust.

Emma sat back, hands on Marti’s shoulders, and asked, “How come you called me ‘Sugar Bug?’”

“Because you, little one, are covered from head to toe in sugar. I thought the name was appropriate and sweet, like you. I won’t call you it if you don’t want me to.”

“I like it. It’s nice. That’s my dad.”

“I just met him. I’m Marti.”

“Hi, Marti. I’m Emma. Emma Shaw. My dad is president.”

“He’s president of the Sugar Bugs.” Marti smiled hugely, mischief lighting her eyes.

Emma giggled. “No. He’s president of this building.”

Marti looked appropriately astonished. “Wow. President of a whole building. Now that is impressive. I don’t have such a fancy job as president. I’ve been a pirate for the last year.”

“Really? Awesome.”

“Totally awesome. Sometime I’ll tell you all about it.”

Marti wiped the tears drying on the child’s cheeks. She leaned in and whispered into her ear. The little girl laughed uproariously.

Emma turned to her father. “What do you call a witch who casts spells with sand?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart.”

“A sand witch.” Emma smiled and laughed again at the joke. She turned back to Marti and wrapped her arms around her neck. “You’re nice.”

Marti closed her eyes and hugged the girl tight. “You’re nice too, Sugar Bug.”

Emma called over her shoulder, “Hi, Knight.”

Marti turned to see George looking at the little girl with pure worship. “Hello, Princess. How are you?”

“I’m better now.”

“Yes, I can see that.” He saw a lot more. Like the way Cameron watched Marti Copyright 2016 - 2024