The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,13

time to get to know each other. As for his relationship with Shelly, he liked her. She was pleasant to be around most of the time. When they were alone together, she always tried to please him in some way. In bed, she was everything a man wanted.

He wasn’t in love with her, harbored no real feelings of affection, but that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted a good mother for Emma and a friend and lover for him. It was all he was capable of giving, and he couldn’t ask for more from someone else. Maybe his previous misgivings about Shelly were just his apprehension to being married to someone who wasn’t Caroline.

“Emma, don’t use your fingers when you eat. Use your fork.”

Shelly tried to hold onto her temper and her patience. She wasn’t used to being around small children and Emma was a nonstop dynamo. She interfered when Shelly tried to engage Cameron in a personal conversation. Emma constantly tried to keep Cameron’s focus on her and wouldn’t let Shelly have a moment’s peace and quiet. The girl was a chatterbox.

She looked across the table at Cameron. His focus remained on Emma. He paid more attention to the little girl than to her. She’d have to figure out a way to gain his focus.

“We should take a trip. Something short. I know what a busy man you are, but it would be nice to get away for a few days.”

“Let’s go fishing, Daddy. You keep saying we’ll go out on the boat, but we never do.” Emma continued making a volcano out of her mashed potatoes. She saw Shelly’s unhappy face out of the corner of her eye and didn’t care. She didn’t like Shelly. She’d be nice because her dad always told her to be nice, but she didn’t have to like Shelly in her mind. She poured gravy into the top of her mashed potato volcano and pictured herself sticking out her tongue and smiled.

“What a great idea, Emma. I was thinking about taking out the boat just yesterday. Shelly, do you like to fish?”

No. Absolutely not. You’re rich, why can’t we go to a resort in the Bahamas? “I’d love to go out on your boat. It sounds lovely.” Lovely, my ass.

Cameron smiled. This was turning around nicely. A trip on the boat, Shelly and Emma spending time together, and he’d fulfill his fishing promise to Emma.

Out on the water, he could clear his mind. That had the most appeal of all. He spent too much time in an office building and not enough time having fun with Emma.

Emma stood on her chair, grabbed Shelly’s shoulder to balance herself, and put her arms out to her aunt. “Aunt Elizabeth, we’re going fishing.”

“Emma. You got gravy and potatoes all over my new dress. You’ve ruined it.”

Emma looked down at the dress and shrugged. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

“Yeah, right. I told you to use your fork. You didn’t listen, and now look what you’ve done.” Shelly stood, threw her napkin down, glared at Emma with a deep frown, and stalked off to the lady’s room.

“I didn’t mean it, Daddy. I swear.”

“I know you didn’t. It was an accident.”

“It sure was, honey.” Elizabeth scooped her up. “Let’s go into the kitchen and get cleaned up.” Elizabeth smiled down at Emma’s plate. “Nice volcano.”

“Thanks. Can I make dessert?”

“Sure you can. I have some pastries we need to dust with powdered sugar. Want to help?”

“Yes. Yes.” Emma took off to the kitchen, leaving Elizabeth to follow.

“Your girlfriend needs to learn a thing or two about children.” She left the table to trail after Emma.

Cameron rubbed the hard knot at the back of his neck, digging in his fingertips. Things had been going so well, or so he thought. He was beginning to think Shelly was a good actress, but dismissed the thought just as quickly as it formed.

Surprised, Elizabeth reappeared at the table a moment later.

“Is Emma giving you trouble in the kitchen?”

“Even if Emma wrecked the joint, I wouldn’t bat an eyelash. I just talked to one of my servers who came out of the women’s restroom. This isn’t the first time someone has mentioned this to me. Normally, I wouldn’t say anything, but Emma is involved, and so I’m sticking my nose into your business.”

Elizabeth took a deep breath to calm herself. “I don’t want you bringing that woman here anymore. If she wants to eat and throw up a perfectly good meal, she can do Copyright 2016 - 2024