The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,105

at the table. Cameron helped Shelly into her seat next to Sam’s partner, Tyler, of all people.

“Nice to see you.” Tyler extended his hand and Cameron shook it.

“Long time no see,” Cameron responded. “This is Shelly.”

“I have heard a lot about you,” Tyler said, no smile or welcome in his voice.

Shelly beamed him a smile, but at the cool reception she leaned back in her seat and gave him a confused look.

“I’ve been working undercover. I heard I missed one hell of a fishing trip. You’ve been busy, I hear,” Tyler prompted.

Cameron didn’t want to talk about the fishing trip or his life the past few months. “What brings you here tonight?”

This wasn’t exactly Tyler’s scene, or affordable on his cop’s salary. Not that Cameron thought he shouldn’t be here, but the sly smiles on Jack and Sam’s faces told him something was up.

“Charity. For children. I’m in. Don’t worry, I paid my two hundred bucks. I love kids. Besides, Sam promised to introduce me to Marti. I’ve heard so much about her, I feel like I know her already.”

Cameron glared across the table at Sam, a silent warning not to set Tyler and Marti up together. The last thing he wanted was one of his friends dating the woman he loved.

“I thought you were hunting down Morgan,” Cameron tossed out to rile Tyler about his psychic ghost.

“Yeah, well, she doesn’t want to be caught. Tonight, it’s all about the kids and Marti.” Tyler shared a knowing look with Sam and Jack, one Cameron wished he understood.

One of the organizers brought Jenna a microphone, ending all conversation. Since Cameron wasn’t in the loop about tonight’s events, she made the opening announcement.

Jenna tapped her spoon to her water glass. Once the crowd quieted and shifted their focus to Jenna, she began. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight. We are pleased to have you here with us to raise money for a very worthy cause. The Emma Shaw Foundation supports the children’s hospital’s neonatal unit where Emma was born more than five years ago.

“As a special treat, we have Emma’s favorite author, Tina Fair, with us tonight. We also have a collection of Sofia Fairchild’s masterful paintings on display, which depict her granddaughter, Martina, as a young girl. Martina will be here tonight to present a special gift to Emma.

“Before we start tonight’s activities, please enjoy your meal. Thank you for coming, and most of all thank you for your generous donations.”

Everyone clapped and Jenna took her seat at the table reserved for the Turner and Shaw families.

Cameron tore his mind from thoughts of Marti and Tyler together and glanced across the table at his daughter sitting next to Elizabeth. She held Elizabeth’s hand and stared at Shelly with such fear, Cameron’s gut tightened. He needed to find out what had Emma so spooked.

She looked beautiful in her golden gown with her ruby and diamond necklace crown. He thought about the night Marti and Emma had their tea party on top of the dining room table.

“Elizabeth, the dress you bought Emma is beautiful. Emma, did you pick it out?”

Emma sat silently watching Shelly. Elizabeth squeezed her hand. She still didn’t answer him.

Elizabeth stepped in. “Marti had the dress made for her. She asked that Emma wear it tonight with her necklace crown.”

Cameron didn’t know what to say. A waiter placed his dinner plate in front of him, but even the smell of prime rib and mashed potatoes didn’t entice his appetite. He’d lost it the second he discovered he’d lost his baby with Marti.

“Cameron, why is everyone ignoring us?” Shelly was finally sitting at the table with all the important people and no one even acknowledged her.

“They’re all mad at me. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

Jenna thought she might see how big of a hole Shelly could dig herself into. “Shelly, it was terrible to hear Marti attacked you. I hope you and the baby are all right.”

“We’re just fine. Cameron has been wonderful taking care of us.”

“I’m sure he has. There’s nothing more important to him than the baby you are carrying.”

Cameron caught the wording and glared at Jenna. Completely untrue, his baby with Marti was a dream come true, and devastatingly a reality that would never be. He missed his baby, even though they’d never met. The grief hit him hard again and his throat clogged. He wondered where Marti was. Was she all right? After he’d lost his mind and yelled at her in the hospital, Copyright 2016 - 2024