The Right Bride - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,101

lost the baby?

Everyone in the room remained stunned and silent. No one could believe Cameron would treat Marti like this.

He didn’t ask if she was okay. It hurt more than she thought possible that he didn’t care.

“Don’t you have anything to say?” he yelled, the anger visibly growing the longer she laid there, not moving or saying anything.

“I guess you know everything.” She tried to make her voice sound strong, but something in it caught his attention. Hurt? Pain? Anger? Too far gone himself, he’d sort it out later.

“That’s it. You’re not even going to apologize for killing my baby and trying to hurt Shelly.”

“You are the stupidest smart person I know. Get out.”

He just stood there glaring at her. What did she mean he was the stupidest smart person? She wasn’t making sense.

“Get out,” she screamed and closed her eyes and held her breath until the pain passed.

“Breathe through it, Marti.” Sam stood beside her, stroked his fingers down her arm. “If you breathe through it, it helps.” She took a few shallow breaths and started to relax. “That a girl.”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s too late for you to ask that question,” Sam said and stood in front of Cameron with his chest out and his hands on his hips. “Jack, how about we walk Cameron to his car?”

“Excellent idea, and long overdue.”

“Play nice, boys,” Jenna warned.

Both brothers answered as only twins could, in unison. “No.”

They walked forward, backing Cameron out the door. He got the hint and turned to the elevator doors.

“What’s the matter with you two? She tried to kill Shelly and the baby. She killed my baby.”

“We heard you already. Marti is right, you’re stupid,” Jack said and turned to Sam. “I can’t wait until we get downstairs.” He punched Cameron in the gut.

Cameron doubled over from the blow. About to ask why Jack hit him, he never got the words out before Sam grabbed his shoulder, hauled him back up to standing, and punched him in the jaw. Seeing stars, his face hurt like hell. He couldn’t catch his breath.

The elevator doors opened and Sam shoved Cameron in and pushed the button for the parking garage.

“Go home to Shelly. Nobody wants you here. Stay away from Marti.” Sam stood back and let the elevator doors close on a bewildered Cameron.

“Think he’ll figure things out before he gets to the garage?”

“No. He’s too upset and angry. He’s so focused on what he thinks is the truth he can’t see what’s right in front of him. He’s going to marry Shelly and we’re going to let him. He deserves that bitch. I hope it costs him a fortune to get rid of her.”

“What about Marti? I hate to see her get hurt in all this.”

“Too late. She’s done everything she can to make Cameron see the truth. He blew it.”

“That’s an understatement. How could he choose anyone over an amazing woman like her?”

“We got lucky with Jenna and Elizabeth. Too bad we aren’t triplets. I’d love to have her in the Turner family. If my partner Tyler wasn’t so wrapped up in Morgan, I’d introduce him to her.” Sam slapped his brother on the back. “Nice gut shot. I think I saw his feet come off the ground.”

“I should have hit him in the nuts. Put a stop to all this baby business for good.”

Sam and Jack walked back into Marti’s room laughing.

Chapter Forty-Three

* * *

THEY TRIED TO console Marti after Cameron’s visit. A distinguished gentleman interrupted and walked into her room carrying a large box. Another man followed with another large box.

“Martina, I’ve brought what you requested. I hope you’re feeling better this morning.”

“Hello, Uncle Anthony.”

Her uncle set the box on the floor by the bed and stood to greet her company.

“Uncle Anthony, these are the Turners, Jenna and Jack, and Elizabeth and Sam. Jenna is head of Merrick International.

“You guys, this is my uncle, Anthony Fairchild of Fairchild Industries.”

Jenna gasped. “I knew it. The deal with Fairchild Industries is because of you.”

“Martina is in charge of special projects at the company. The project with Merrick is completely her doing.” Anthony looked around the room at everyone. “It’s nice to meet all of you. Martina speaks highly of you. I’m glad to see she has some friends in her life. She spends far too much time alone.”

“Martina Fairchild,” Jenna said. “Your grandmother was Sofia Fairchild, the artist.”

Marti smiled. Anthony stood taller. They both loved Sofia and had common ground between them, because of her.

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