Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,94

dripping. You might not want to want me, but it doesn’t change the fact you do.”

Fuck him. His words hurt more than they should, likely because everything he’s saying is the truth, but if he wants to throw stones, fine. Let’s throw fucking stones.

“Maybe I am wet, Kai, maybe all I truly want is for a hard cock to slide deep inside me and fuck me hard, but nobody said it’s your cock I’m thinking about. You blew any chance you had when you tasered me. Now the closest you’ll get to tasting my pussy is by kissing your brother,” I purr maliciously. I might not have my knife, but I’ll still use my tongue to flay him alive.

“You think I care that my brother got in there first, Red?” His free hand slides over my ribs, cupping my breast before he rubs his knuckles over my nipple, making it harden under his touch.

“We’re twins, Red, we know how to share our toys.” His voice rumbles out, making my stomach clench tightly. His words should infuriate me. I’m nobody’s toy, not anymore, but I can’t deny the effect it has on my body or the riot of images flashing through my mind of me pinned between the two men who would take everything from me if I let them and leave me decimated when they tossed me aside.

“I thought you chose Jude, but now I know you want both of us—”

I cut him off. “Maybe in another life, Kai, but in this one, you’ll always just be men who fucked me over. It’s not an exclusive club.” I snort, yanking myself free.

“I have the footage from the security cameras. I can prove everything I said is true,” I tell him, needing to get away from him before we either fuck or kill each other. Maybe both.

“Zodiac already pulled the cameras, there was a fault. None of the cameras were on when the shooting happened.” He stands back, crossing his arms over his chest.

I laugh. “Shockingly convenient, huh? Good thing I had my own security system installed.” I add drolly.

“Despite what you think, Zodiac isn’t involved in this shit. He doesn’t know about Jude, and you can’t believe shit from a dead man who was likely sent by someone to cause a divide within the divisions.”

I huff at him. “Like I didn’t know about Jude?” I ask sarcastically, shaking my head. “Believe what you want, Kai, I’m past caring. Even if Zodiac was being set up, which I don’t believe for a single second, then Cancer was playing for the other side. From what I can remember, except for you, he was Zodiac’s most loyal supporter.”

“I want that video footage, Red,” he orders, making me bristle.

“I’ll have it sent over to you as soon as you let me go.”

“If you’re lying…” His voice trails off, not needing to say anymore. He’ll kill me. I wouldn’t expect anything less.

“I’m not. Now can I get the fuck out of here so I can get away from you?”

He steps away, letting me finally take a breath that isn’t filled with his intoxicating cologne.

“I need that footage and for you to keep your mouth shut about Jude. I don’t care who says shit, you play dumb, got it?”

I nod my head and twirl a piece of hair between my fingers. “Yes, sir,” I say in a high-pitched voice before heading toward the door.

I stop for a second when a thought occurs to me. “If your story is still that Zodiac doesn’t know about Jude, then why did he let you tase me and bring me here, wherever the fuck here is?”

“He’s here because he wants to know why you killed Cancer. Killing another division head, unless it’s in self-defense, is punishable by death. You better hope he believes you’re telling the truth because Zodiac will be after your blood.”

“And I know just the soldier he’ll send to get it.” I tap his face and roll my eyes when he pulls the sack from where it’s hooked in his back pocket.

“Is that really necessary?”

He doesn’t answer me. He just pulls it down over my head before grabbing my hand.

“It’s either this or I tase you again and carry you out,” he whispers.

He opens the door and picks me up, bridal style, and carries me up a flight of stairs before unlocking and opening another door that leads to another flight of stairs.

When we reach the top, it’s to find ourselves in a brightly lit hallway, making

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