Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,78

over my glossy red lips, I smirk knowing the second Reid sees them, he’ll be picturing me on my knees with them wrapped around his dick.

I really am evil sometimes.

I stroll back into my office, dump the first aid kit on my desk, and pull the door open.

“Aries is here. Can you let him up please, Thomas?”

My guard nods at me as I turn to leave.

“Oh, and could you let Gary know I have a guest and to send up extra coffee?” He nods as I close the door.

I move back to the window, watching the last of the partygoers make their way home when the door opens and Reid walks in.

He freezes when he catches sight of me, his eyes traveling slowly from my bare feet, up my body until they reach my face.

He groans. “I’m just gonna start calling you Captain because I swear every time I see you, my dick stands up and salutes you.”

“In that case, I’m going to start calling you Picasso because whenever I see you, your face is a mangled mess,” I return.

He laughs before wincing. “Shit, it hurts my head to laugh,” he admits.

“Okay, sit in the chair and let me look.”

I move over to the desk and wait for him to sit before running my fingers lightly through his hair. “You have a large egg back here. Looks like someone tried to crack open your head like a piñata, but at least it isn’t bleeding.”

“Then it looks like it feels.” He hisses when I touch a particularly sensitive spot.

“What happened?” I ask like I do every fucking time. It’s getting old, and yet, we both know I won’t turn him away.

He’s quiet, but he always is. The man has a way with words until you ask him a simple question, then he shuts up tighter than a hooker’s legs in church.

“Some asshole jumped me from behind, fucking coward,” he spits out, but I just stare at him in shock before feeling his forehead. “What? What is it?”

“I’m just checking for a temperature. You must be sick. I mean you just gave me a straight answer so either you’re ill, or it’s the end of the world—eek!” I squeal when he yanks me down onto his lap, wrapping one of his arms around my neck and pulling me close.

When he speaks, his lips brush my ear. “I’ve missed your sassy mouth, Cherry.”

I sigh and snuggle in closer, pressing my head against his chest. “I missed you too.”

We sit quietly for a minute before he reaches up and tilts my head back with his hand on my jaw. Then ever so softly, he places a chaste kiss on my mouth before swiping his tongue over my bottom lip.

A groan rips free from his chest and the next thing I know, I’m straddling his lap, my dress riding up over my hips, and his hot hands are gripping the bare skin of my ass. The crackle of electricity races through me, heating my blood and dampening my core. It’s always this way between us.

We’ve never taken things further than that night in his shower, both of us smart enough to know falling for each other would be our downfall. Maybe it’s just as well if this is how potent things are between us when we do nothing more than kiss. Sex would probably incinerate us both.

“Stay with me tonight,” he whispers, making me groan, unconsciously grinding down on his rock hard cock.

“It’s not a good idea, Reid. If we keep playing with fire, one of us will get burned,” I warn him, feeling heat spiral through me as he grips my ass harder, rubbing my sex over his cock.

“I know, but right now, I don’t give one single fuck about doing the right thing.”

“Fuck,” I groan, pulling free from him before standing on wobbly legs, and shimmying my dress back into place.

Walking around my desk, I sit in my chair and try to look as unaffected as possible, but with wet panties and flushed skin, I fear it’s unlikely I’m pulling it off. Ignoring him for a moment while I gain some composure, I open the first aid kit and shuffle around until I find the painkillers and toss them to him.

“Take a couple of these. It will take the edge off. Gary’s bringing up some—” I shut up when there’s a knock at the door.

“That will be him now. Come in,” I yell, knowing security wouldn’t let anyone else up without calling me

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