Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,74

is, without rules, there is chaos. In those situations, someone, namely me, is left cleaning up the mess. Now, does that seem fair when I’m not getting anything in return for my troubles?” I ask, turning to glare at David.

“I…I—” he babbles, but I lift my free hand to cut him off.

“It doesn’t matter now. What’s done is done and your money means nothing to me. Your accounts have already been emptied along with Curly’s and Moe’s and redistributed to a more worthy cause,” I answer vaguely, letting them make of it what they will. What they don’t know is that I sent the money to the victims so they can escape from their current lives and make new ones.

“You,” I point at the tall dark-haired guy in the corner. Mike is one of my newer recruits, but so far, I like what I’ve seen.

“Ma’am?” he asks respectfully with his hands held loosely at his side.

“Do you remember what my number one rule is?”

I know he does, and when he nods, I indicate for him to say it out loud for the rest of the crowd.

“You don’t peddle in flesh and you don’t make deals with people who do,” he answers succinctly.

“Thank you, that is correct. So tell me, David,” I turn to glare at him once more, “why did you and your boys here decide to ignore that?”

“Libernesh approached us on Zodiac’s orders. He didn’t want anything from us but safe passage,” he mumbles, tripping over his words, but everything out of his mouth infuriates me.

Motherfucking Zodiac.

“And do you answer to Zodiac?”

“Erm…well…he’s Zodiac,” he answers, making me shake my head.

“Mike tell me, what would you do in the same situation?” I question, not taking my eyes from David.

“Report everything back to you, ma’am,” he answers with zero hesitation.

“Imagine that, David. Did the thought even cross your mind?”

He looks like a deer caught in headlights.

“Of course, you didn’t, which tells me whatever loyalty you have, isn’t for me.” I lift my gun and shoot him too, tired of listening to his excuses.

I turn to the rest of the guys and study them.

“If you don’t trust me to deal with this shit, then how am I supposed to trust you? This is the only time I will have this conversation with you all. If you cross me, I will eliminate you and send you back to your families in pieces.”

“Yes, ma’am,” rings out around the room, so I nod in acknowledgment.

“Send these guys to Libernash. He wanted them; he can have them. Dismissed.” I wave them off and move back over to Danny, who is still standing where I left him with his arms crossed over his chest, looking dark and formidable.

I stand beside him as the locks disengage loudly and watch as the remaining guys wait for their cue.

When Baker swings the door open, I walk through the room without looking back, knowing Danny is bringing up my rear.

“Get it done and clean this place up, and there will be a hefty bonus in each of your accounts by midnight tonight,” I call over my shoulder before making my way up the steps into the dingy cabin.

I feel the watchful eyes of the deer on me and stick my tongue out at it.

“Judgy asshole,” I mutter, making Baker snort.

“You get all that? Anyone look extra twitchy?” I ask, perching on the edge of the desk for a minute.

“Of course, I got it all. Apart from the three you shot, everyone else seemed unfazed.”

I nod, thankful. I had the same vibe, but it’s easy to miss shit when you’re in the thick of things, which is why I always insist on extra eyes and a second opinion. I might find myself in the role of executioner more often than I like, but it doesn’t mean I thrive on it. I might not like playing God, but sometimes death is the only option.

I send a message to Ben, who lets me know he’s outside already.

“Ben’s here, so I’m gonna go. Make sure they clean this place up. I’ll see you guys later tonight,” I call out, making my way over to the door.

“Who’s on protection detail?” Danny asks before I leave.

“James is with Ben, don’t worry. I told him to wait in the car. You guys are more than enough protection for just little old me.” I flutter my lashes at him, knowing how pissed he gets if I leave without taking any of my guards. It’s not intentional, but when you’ve

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