Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,71

sure you’ll like the consequences.”

“Hmm… is this the part where I cower in fear?”

He looks frustrated but steps back and runs a hand through his hair. “Jesus, are you always this infuriating?”

“Why, yes. Yes, I am, but I’m also loyal to a fault, smart, and willing to do anything to bring Zodiac to his knees.”

He stares at me long and hard before whispering, “Jesus, what did he do to you?”

I ignore his question and ask one of my own. “Deal or no deal, Mr. Harris? I have other people to meet with.”

“I’m going to regret this, but I see something in you that makes me think if anyone can take Zodiac out, it’s you. Fine, deal. And please, for the love of God, call me Will,” he replies with a small smile.

My returning smile is far bigger, but I keep my composure, not wanting to give away my relief. “Will it is.”

I wasn’t lying to Will about the other meetings, but the nature of them was vastly different than the deal I struck with him. For starters, I didn’t once picture Milo or Kristoff naked, although the same couldn’t be said for how they looked at me.

Milo, although on the pervy side, seemed harmless enough. Well, as harmless as the second-largest drug dealer in the area could be. He and Zodiac are archnemeses so naturally he was my next point of contact.

This time I went heavily guarded, unsure of the welcome I would be receiving, and I went under the guise of the reclusive Gemini’s secretary. I don’t know if he bought it, but his suspicious mind wasn’t strong enough to stop him from striking up a deal, especially when it would mean getting access to Zodiac’s supply.

I don’t want drugs flooding the streets of division twelve, so instead, I’m going to sell the whole stock to Milo for a discounted price and give him safe passage to use the docks to move his product.

Kristoff, on the other hand, made my skin crawl. I wanted no part in anything he had to offer, and I made sure to let him know it. Whatever deals he has with Zodiac or any of the other eleven divisions was between him and them, but I refused to allow a skin peddler to set foot in my division. Meeting him was for only two reasons, one—to let the dirty fucker know he was unwelcome and any business he might have had with the previous Gemini stopped the second he died and two—to plant a couple of bugs Baker got for me.

And now, sitting back in my office, I realize I’ve done everything I can to level the playing field. Now I just have to let the game play out and hope I survive.

A knock at the door has me looking up just as Gary pokes his head around.

“Hey, V, you hungry? I come bearing gifts.” He pushes the door open at my smile and carries a tray over to me, placing it down on my desk.

The smell alone makes my mouth water.

“Beef Stew and fresh bread, comfort food in a bowl.”

“I think I might love you, Gary,” I admit, grabbing the spoon from the tray while he laughs heartily.

“I thought food was a way to a man’s heart?”

“Well, whoever said that shit clearly never met a hungry woman. We can get real bitchy, real fast,” I confess, moaning in delight when the beefy goodness explodes on my tongue.

“Aye, I think my wife might agree with you there, lass.”

“I didn’t realize you were married, Gary,” I mutter, taking a bite of the bread.

“Yep, going on twenty years now. Best woman I know. She has to be to have put up with my sorry ass after all.”

“I think you’re more of a catch than you realize.” I smile, watching as his face turns serious.

“I know it’s a lot to ask, but if war comes, or should I say when, can you give me a heads up? I want to get Flo as far from here as possible until it all blows over.”

I pause with the bread halfway to my mouth. “War doesn’t always come with a warning. Sometimes you don’t know it’s coming until you find yourself standing in the middle of it covered in blood. But I promise, if I sense things going south, I’ll get your wife out of the city and somewhere safe. You have my word.”

He nods, his shoulders relaxing.

“You don’t have to be here either. I can do this alone. I

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