Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,69

Fortunately, there is nothing in my stomach but water, so I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and rummage in my bag for a stick of gum as a now worried-looking Thomas climbs out of the car.

“Jesus, Viddy, are you okay? You’re as white as a sheet. Do you need to go to the doctor?” I wave him off. Finding the gum, I slip a piece in my mouth.

“I’m okay, just get me out of here please.”

He must hear the slight edge of desperation in my voice because he gently takes my elbow and walks me over to the car before helping me inside.

I buckle up and lean back, concentrating on my breathing so I don’t puke again. My heartbeat starts to return to normal the farther we get from the building, but instead of feeling calm, I’m furious.

That fucking asshole. I cannot wait until the day I bring him down. I want him to stare into my eyes as I pull the fucking trigger.

Chapter Twenty-Six

“Mr. Harris will see you now,” a tall thin impeccably dressed man tells me, indicating for me to follow.

I’ve never stepped foot on a boat before, and I sure as shit didn’t expect to have a business meeting on one, but if that’s what the guy wants, then so be it.

The tall man knocks on the door, swinging it open when a voice from inside calls to enter.

“Gemini is here to see you, sir,” he announces as William Harris looks up from his paperwork.

Fuck me. This guy is hot as sin and looks nothing like his beady-eyed father. Is there something in the freaking water around here?

“Well, you’re certainly easier on the eye than your predecessor,” he tells me with a warm smile, standing to shake my hand.

I move closer to him and let his large hand engulf mine.

“Funny, I was just thinking you’re far more attractive than the pictures I’ve seen of your father.”

He grins. “That will be all, John, thank you.” William nods to the tall guy who leaves and pulls the door closed behind him.

“Here, take a seat.” He pulls out the chair facing his desk for me to sit in, so I do, crossing my legs at the ankle.

I take in his dark messy hair, strong jaw, and light green eyes and think he would be classically handsome if not for his slightly crooked nose and the thin white scar on his forehead that disappears into his hairline. These little imperfections, though, give me a glimpse of the kind of man he is beneath the polished veneer. He might have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and pockets full of money, but William Harris is every bit the fighter I am. And it can’t be easy walking in his father’s shoes.

“I’ll admit, I was surprised you wanted to meet with me, and now seeing you, well, it seems you surprised me all over again. If you knew me, you’d know that doesn’t happen very often,” he admits with a rueful shake of his head.

“Yes, I seem to be having that effect on people lately. I’ll admit, I’m not exactly advertising the fact that the new Gemini is a woman, but I didn’t want to start the first of what I’m hoping is many meetings with you based on a lie.”

“I respect that. I’m unsure though, what it is you’d like to discuss.” Straight to the point. I like that.

“What do you know about Zodiac and the operation he runs?” I ask, perhaps showing more of my hand than I wanted to, but I have a feeling William is too perceptive for me to use vague half-truths.

He picks up his pen and spins it on the table absentmindedly while answering. “Zodiac runs this city. A city he has divided into twelve sectors and has a minion running each piece, no offense, so he can reap the benefits without really getting his hands dirty. He makes most of his money from his drug trade, although I have heard he has his fingers in many pies. I have to be honest, Gemini, I have no intention of working with the guy. I’m sorry if that means you’ve wasted your time,” he says politely.

“I don’t want you to work with Zodiac. I want you to work with me,” I tell him truthfully, watching as the pen stops moving as he stares at me.

“If you work for Zodiac, I’m not sure how there can be a separation of the two.

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