Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,59

he plays so he doesn’t think I’m hovering.”

“Sounds good.”

The pizza arrives just as DJ reappears, looking like a different kid now. He stays across the other side of the room until I spot him and beckon him over.

“DJ, this is Chris. She’s gonna be staying with you for a little while. She brought her Xbox for you to play, and the pizza is here, so help yourself to whatever.”

I give him the cell phone Danny passes to me. “This cell is yours. It has all our numbers in it, so use them whenever you need to. I’m not gonna lie, I’m not sure when I’ll be back. It might be a few days, but you’ll be safe here, I promise.”

“Will you get in trouble?” he asks me quietly, everyone else in the room going silent at his words.

I move slowly toward him, feeling a pang in my chest as he moves into me. I wrap my arm loosely around his shoulder.

Being starved of human contact makes you crave it and fear it in equal measure, especially when you’ve been hurt. This simple move shows me that he’s beginning to trust me. Even if it’s just a little, it’s a start. Nobody should have to navigate this world alone, least not a kid who needs nurturing. Fuck, even I have people in my corner, and I’m so far past redemption it’s ridiculous.

When I die, I might very well leave behind a legacy of darkness, but the people I love will survive because I was willing to risk everything for them, and DJ has somehow made his way onto my list without even trying.

“No, DJ, I’m not going to get into trouble, and neither will you. I’ll take care of everything.”

I shot a cop and feel zero remorse for it. Even if it comes back to haunt me, I’ll never regret it, and I’ll make sure DJ doesn’t either.

I look around at the people watching us and feel a stirring inside me, a coil of power as something shifts and changes. I might not have grown up to be the woman I thought I would, but that’s okay. Plans change, people do too. If you get burned by fire, forge yourself into someone new, someone stronger.

I was pure Gemini today when I killed that cop and instead of feeling like I might have just fucked everything up, I feel like I’ve gained control, and this right here is just the beginning.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I close the laptop and rub the back of my neck to work out the kinks. A quick look around my dimly lit office reminds me I’ve been here longer than I planned. Thank God I messaged DJ earlier before I lost myself in work.

My guys had managed to track down the Ben and Kevin that DJ had mentioned. I had been surprised to find out Ben was in his thirties and Kevin was his son, and they had been frantic to find out if DJ was okay. I had taken a chance and pulled them off the streets and put them in a two-bedroom apartment. DJ considered them family and I wanted him to have that. But even so, I would be keeping my eye on them before I let DJ move in with them as he wanted. Another couple of weeks at Baker’s wouldn’t hurt him and he had been adjusting well. Of course, it might have something to do with the little crush he had on Chris. Turns out kicking his ass on the Xbox has given her a god-like status. I can’t help but smile, thinking about how relaxed he seemed when he FaceTimed me yesterday.

The phone on my desk rings, jarring me out of my thoughts and making me sigh. No rest for the wicked.

I pick it up without thinking. “Yep,” I answer, spinning in my chair as I cradle the phone between my neck and shoulder.

“Um…there is a guy here, looks like he’s been in a fight. He’s calling himself Aries,” one of my guards mumbles, sounding unimpressed with the name. I hold back a grin so he can’t hear the smile in my voice.

“It’s fine. Let him up.” I hang up. Kicking off my shoes, I make my way over to the attached bathroom, snagging the first aid kit from beneath the counter, pausing to check my reflection in the mirror.

The woman staring back at me is far removed from the girl I was when I arrived in the city. Dressed to make a

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