Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,42

with the information I just found and what I’m going to do with it. By the time I’m in my apartment, the coffee feels like a lead weight in my stomach. The only conclusion I’ve come to is that I have to keep this information quiet. There is a reason it has been kept quiet for this long, and I suspect it’s why the previous Gemini was killed.

So I’ll lock it away until the day comes that I need to use it. And the day will come.

Until then, I’ll keep Reid at a distance because once he knows I’ve figured out who Jude is, all bets will be off.

Chapter Seventeen

“You didn’t tell me which ones to get, so I got a mix. You owe me for this,” he growls, making me smile as he tips up the bag on the counter where multiple boxes of tampons spill over the edge and onto the floor.

I palm the memory stick and laugh at him, moving in for a hug. I place a chaste kiss on his lips.

Of course, that’s not enough for Reid. He grips me tightly and takes our kiss from sweet to blistering in a nanosecond. I just about manage to keep my head clear enough to slip the memory stick back into his jacket pocket before I pull away to keep this from leading somewhere I’m not ready to take it.

“Fuck it. If that’s how you say thank you, I’ll buy you all the tampons you need,” he offers with a grin.

Stepping back, desperately needing to put some distance between us, I ignore the scattered boxes and grab one of the bags from the counter. I take note of everything as I unload it, mentally tallying up the amount as he watches me quietly. I swallow down the lump in my throat at his thoughtfulness. Things like this make it impossible to hate the man.

“I’ll pay you back tomorrow, once I hit up an ATM,” I promise, smiling when I see the pancake mix and package of mixed berries.

“Nope. It’s my gift, remember? Now, I have to go. I have something I need to do. You gonna be okay?” he asks, scanning my face. I wonder how much is sincere concern and how much is an act. He’s so damn hard to read.

“I’m good, thank you. I’ll message you tomorrow. I’ll likely have a thousand things to ask you.”

He chuckles before rapping his knuckles on the countertop and heading for the door. “Fine by me, just don’t make it too early. A face this handsome needs its beauty sleep.” He winks, pulling the door open and stepping out into the deserted hallway, then closing it behind him.

The smile slips from my face now that I’m alone. I carry on with putting the groceries away on autopilot as I focus on formulating a plan of what to do now.

Being forced into submission as a kid and made to follow a strict and restrictive set of rules means I’m loath to start following someone else’s rules again. I can act the part for a while, but becoming someone’s lapdog once more is not an option. When Zodiac figures that out, I’ll become a liability. The only way to stop myself from becoming a casualty like the Gemini before me is to change up the game.

Or perhaps to play a different game altogether.

A smile spreads wide as I finally figure out what I’m gonna do.

After a restless night of sleep and a breakfast of pancakes and coffee, I head over to the bank before making my way to one of the fancy boutiques I passed on my way here. Knowing I’m going to get one shot at making a first impression, I spend the next few hours looking for the perfect outfit. I settle on a dove gray fitted dress with capped sleeves and a thin black belt that shows off my small waist. I pair it with high black peep-toe shoes and pay for it in cash, trying not to swallow my tongue at the price tag. Next up is a makeover at a salon across from the boutique that manages to squeeze me in. That’s where I spend the next four hours getting crimped and primped until finally, I emerge feeling like a new woman.

I always thought this whole kind of thing was a frivolous luxury only rich bitches could afford, but even I can’t deny the results as I look in the mirror at the glossy and classy reflection

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