Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,39

see the appeal. It’s not that I’m ungrateful. Living on dusty pavements and dirty doorways meant I spent many a night looking up at the towering buildings with their twinkling lights, imagining people snuggled up watching television or families eating around a large table, laughing and joking with each other. Now though, it seems the reality is colder than I thought it would be. There is no coziness to the sleek lines and sharp edges, no warmth in the cool glass and dark corners. I guess it’s the family that makes a place a home, whether that be a hovel or a mansion, and without one, maybe I would always feel adrift. This time when I look over the city, it will be from the other side, looking down from my tower, wishing I were back with the only two people on this planet who give a shit about me.

The bike stops and I climb off this time, not waiting for Reid to help, needing a second to wipe away the feeling of melancholy.

I pull the helmet from my head and hand it back to Reid, who hangs it on the edge of the bike’s handlebars before he climbs off himself.

The graceful way he moves captures my attention. His footsteps as he approaches are so sure and purposeful, making his movements seem almost fluid somehow. If the guy wasn’t the devil incarnate, I’m sure he would be able to walk on water and make it look easy.

“What’s that face for?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.

“I’m wondering if you ever did ballet?” I ask, making him frown.

“What the fuck?” he asks, looking confused.

I can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, you have the perfect figure to pull off a leotard and a pretty pink tutu,” I tease, laughing when he slings his arm over my shoulder and starts poking me in the ribs.

“Hey,” I gasp, pulling out of his hold, still chuckling.

“I’m all man, baby, but I can’t deny I like that you think about me.” He smirks, making me roll my eyes.

“Okay, big strong man, show me where to go.” I grin, shaking my head. I can’t help it, he’s so ridiculous.

He pulls me close, then tucks my hand in the crook of his elbow.

“I would say such a gentleman, but we both know that’s not true.”

“Yeah, I can’t argue with that. Doesn’t mean I don’t have manners, though. I know how to open doors and shit, I just usually prefer to kick them in,” he admits, making me chuckle. Well, at least he’s honest.

Entering the elevator, I lean over to the bank of buttons and look up at Reid in question. “Which floor?”

And now it’s his turn to roll his eyes at me. The whole thing is so out of place, making him look younger and softer underneath the hardened exterior.

“Penthouse, obviously. Only the best will do.” He smirks.

We stand in relative silence as the elevator ascends before a thought occurs to me.

“Don’t these kinds of places usually have doormen or something? Come to think of it, I don’t remember seeing one at your place either.”

“Fewer people around who are unconnected to this life, the better. Too many prying eyes mean too many questions, and then you have to consider the possibility of eliminating someone just because they accidentally saw something they shouldn’t have,” he answers with a shrug. It makes sense, though I figured Zodiac would be all about the bells and whistles as he’s definitely the type to lord his riches over others. Or even entice them with a golden carrot, but I can see the logic in having fewer eyes around.

The doors open, revealing a short hallway with two doors at the end facing each other. Seems I might have a neighbor. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I kind of liked the idea of being up here alone. I’m a private person and would rather not have to deal with everyone else’s bullshit, but beggars can’t be choosers.

“Who else lives in the building? Are they all connected to Zodiac in some way, or are they just regular residents?” I ask, stopping when he does outside the door on the left.

He looks at me oddly for a minute, so I explain what I mean.

“Is this place the kind of place where flying bullets are a rare occurrence or a likely probability?”

“Ah, no, most of the apartments are empty right now. The building itself belongs to Zodiac, as you know, but most division heads

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