Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,36

said, anything you do outside of him, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your division duties, is yours.”

“Like what?” I question, wanting to soak up any information he can give me.

“Well, in my division, for instance, I have runners flooding the streets with Zodiac’s product, and I make a good income from it even after Zodiac takes his eighty percent. But my main source of income comes from offering protection,” he admits, making me frown.

“What kind of protection?” Because I doubt it’s quite as noble as it sounds.

“Businesses pay us to keep trouble from their door, whether that’s homegrown trouble or from farther afield. It’s up to me and the guys I use to keep people safe.”

“And if people don’t pay you for protection?” I question, looking up at him from under my lashes.

“Oh, they all pay eventually, especially when they find trouble consistently darkening their doorstep.”

“Right, that’s what I figured,” I mutter, turning to look around the darkened street he’s parked us on.

“Bad guy, remember? I run drugs for fuck’s sake. What did you think my side job would be, knitting?” he snaps, almost as if I’ve offended him. I can’t help but snort.

“You really shouldn’t jump to conclusions. You don’t know me well enough to anticipate what I’m thinking. I don’t care how you make your money. Am I a fan of innocent people getting hurt? Nope, but I know it happens. Sometimes accidentally, sometimes through direct exploitation. Who the fuck am I to tell you how to run your division?” I wave my hand over his body before pointing at his sleek bike parked just behind us.

“You dress in designer duds, live in a penthouse apartment, and have a fancy bike and car at your disposal. It’s obviously working for you.” I turn and walk down the quiet street, slowing my steps as he falls in beside me.

“So you don’t judge, fine. I guess that’s my issue, not yours. Saying that, I don’t really think the protection route will work for you anyway. You’re not exactly intimidating.” He smirks, but I just roll my eyes.

“Tell me that again when I’m pointing a gun at your head,” I huff.


I hear faint music playing and follow the sound to what looks to be some kind of jazz bar on the corner—a warm yellow glow spills out when the door swings wide, illuminating the cobbles of the street outside.

“I like this place, it’s like a mix of old and new. Reminds me of home. They were doing this big regeneration thing. I can imagine it looking just like this street.”

“Yeah, well don’t get too excited, most of this division is a shithole. Some of the small businesses like this one are struggling to stay afloat with the newer big corporate companies opening downtown.”

I shrug. I get that, but I’m hoping there can be space for both.

“Is there a home base or office or some shit down here that the district head works out of?”

“More often than not, most business is done over the phone as it’s safer, but if meetings do need to happen, they usually take place down by the docks where there are less prying eyes.”

“Makes sense. Okay, what about minions?” I look up at him when he barks out a laugh.

“Minions? Fuck, are you serious? Jesus Christ, you are.” He runs his hand through his hair before looking back at me.

“Okay, look, there are a few men that ran for the guy before you, but the fact that he’s dead should show that maybe they’re not the kind of guys you want watching your back.”

“You’re probably right, but I need to start somewhere. At the very least, I need to have people running Zodiac’s product while I get my shit in order. Just because I’m coming into the game late doesn’t mean Zodiac will do me any favors. In fact, the last thing I want is a favor being owed to Zodiac.”

“You’re not wrong there,” he grumbles, looking away, his shoulders dropping.

“Do you know a way to contact these guys?”

He shakes his head before pausing like something just occurred to him.

“The previous Gemini kept a ledger with the names of the guys that worked for him and other shit like that in a safe down at the docks.”

My eyes widen incredulously at that, making him laugh. “Don’t look at me like that. The whole thing is coded. If it was stolen, it would be worthless. Besides, who would be crazy enough to steal from a division

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