Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,113

was hard to break. Seems we are attracted to the same kind of woman.”

“I like them out of training bras, so I guess we differ there.” Kai’s voice echoes around the room, making my chest tighten.

Shit, keep it together, Kai.

Zodiac, however, just waves him off before continuing, “I’ll give her her dues though, she managed to not only produce one heir to the throne, but two. I can’t begin to explain how upset I was when she ran with your brother and was killed in an unfortunate car crash—such a waste.”

Zodiac steps closer to Kai as all eyes watch them, unable to look away from the scene unfolding.

“I’ll admit, I’m happy you managed to take out Gemini like I asked. That video will be one I watch over and over. Such raw passion.” He sighs, making my mouth water with the urge to hurl. “But, there is still the need to deal with your deception. Now, I’m a reasonable man, and after what you did to Gemini, well, it’s eased my wrath a touch. This sacrifice was going to be about her, but now she’s not here, is she?”

He shrugs. “Actually, this one might be better. I believe your beloved Gemini cared deeply about this person, perhaps almost as much as you do. Shoot him,” Zodiac orders as I edge a touch closer with my gun in my hand.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Zodiac is a lying bastard. As far as he knows, Wyatt is under that hood. He’s just testing Kai, and Kai will fail because he doesn’t know that it’s not Jude under there.

“Shoot him now, or I’ll shoot you,” Zodiac snaps.

“So, shoot me, Dad,” Kai snaps sarcastically. “I’ll welcome the relief of being free from you once and for all.”

“Such fucking disloyalty. I have the video of you, I can send it to every police station in the country and have you arrested for first-degree murder. Shall I remind you of the footage?”

He shoves his hand in his pocket and pulls out a remote, flicking a button until the big screen above us is filled with images of Kai and me kissing, tearing off our clothes as we make our way down the hallway to the bedroom.

“Shoot him,” Zodiac orders.

“Fuck you,” Kai bites out.

“So be it,” Zodiac answers before lifting his gun and firing a shot into the robed person’s head.

Kai roars and moves toward the body as it slumps forward but freezes when the gun swings to point at him.

“Well, I guess this answers so many of my questions. It’s a shame, Kai, you really did have so much potential.”

As the image of Kai and me falling onto the bed together plays, a high-pitched noise makes everyone wince before the image changes to a lone figure sitting with a hood over their head and a robe covering their body. You can’t see who the figure is, but you can damn well see the kitchen they’re in.

“Estelle,” Zodiac roars, seeing the image. The person lifts their head and moans as if they can hear him.

“You,” Zodiac screams at Kai, which is when I step out of the shadows with my gun pointed at his head.

“Actually, it was me, and if you want your precious Estelle to live through the night, you’ll drop the gun.”

“Fuck you, you dirty whore. I should have killed you myself.” His accent comes out into full force with his anger.

“Yeah, you really should have,” I agree. Zodiac’s face bleaches white when he sees a masked figure on the screen press a gun to Estelle’s temple.

“Drop the fucking gun,” I spit out.

Surprisingly, he does. I don’t pretend to understand what the deal is with him and Estelle, they are as fucked up as each other, but they do genuinely seem to love each other in their weird and twisted way.

I look to Kai, whose eyes are blazing, and mouth for him to trust me before I turn back to face the rest of the room. I pull off the black beanie I had been wearing and my hair tumbles over my shoulders, showing the rest of the division heads who I am.

“So, fun fact, guys, I’m not dead. Sorry if that pisses a few of you off, but we’ll get to that.”

I hear Cash snort, but I don’t look at him, keeping my eyes firmly on Zodiac.

“Did you all know how big of a pedophile Zodiac was? I mean, I know the man has issues but, Jesus Christ. And he sure likes to spread his seed

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