The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,2

me.” He smiles. I smile. We all smile.

The air is cleared. Good.

“So what’s your story?” I ask.

Apparently I have a thing for the lean muscles in his arms, because when he pushes the broom around it’s this close to being a sex thing. Takes me a moment to remember what I was doing, i.e. restocking the fridges and liquor shelves behind the bar. The new guy looks like good times and heartbreak. I should definitely know better.

“I suppose that as my future bride you have a right to know of my dark past,” he says, expression grim.

“That bad, huh?”

Again he flashes a smile. “Nuh, not really. Decided I didn’t like the path I was on so I got off it. Been traveling this great nation of ours and seeing the sights ever since.”

“You’re a wanderer, then.”

“Guess you could say that. Hope it won’t be an impediment to our future happiness? A life of love on the road has much to offer.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I smile and straighten from packing some beers in the fridge. Think it over. Seems the likelihood of his interest in me being a bad joke encouraged by management is nonexistent after tonight’s scene. But we’re still talking around exactly what might be happening here. “After much consideration, I have decided that what you’re actually after is meaningless sex, as opposed to the holy state of matrimony. I don’t blame you for getting the two confused. It happens often.”

His dark brows draw together, a hand going to his heart. “You doubt my intentions? I’m wounded, Alice. Wounded.”

“Still after a wife to go with your good fortune, huh?”

“Absolutely.” He recommences sweeping the floor. “But not just any wife. No. It must be you.”

I smile and shake my head.

“You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

“Your knowledge of Austen is impressive, I’ll give you that.”

“Why, thank you. It’s my stepmom’s favorite book. She used to make me watch the movies with her all the time. Never thought that’d actually come in handy, but here we are.” He smiles once more and my stupid knees go weak. I need to gird my loins or something against this man. “Though, to be clear, I wouldn’t turn down meaningless sex with you until such time as you’re ready to commit, of course.”

“How very kind of you.”

“Not a problem,” he says. “We could try it as a baby step toward working our way up toward having coffee. Take it slow, like you said.”

I bite back a smile. The guy is an outrageous flirt. “Do you normally jump straight to offering a girl your hand in marriage?”

“No. Like the lines from Austen, it’s a new thing I’m trying.”

“Any reason in particular?” I ask.

He ponders the question for a moment. “Life is short.”


“Is the mop and bucket in the storeroom too?”

So that’s all the explanation I’m getting. Okay. “Yes, it is.”

We work in silence for a while. I’d like to say his presence doesn’t affect me, but that would be a lie. Because almost every time I sneak a look, he’s sneaking a look back. And he’s smiling. If only he were less cute or something. Because the truth is, I might be a bit doomed here. Lust at first sight in the workplace is kind of a pain in the ass. Same goes for advanced flirting leading toward possible copulation. There’s a myriad of ways getting involved, even just a smidgeon, could go wrong. Though apparently he doesn’t intend to stay long and I’m doing my best to get the hell out of here. Ah. The elusive yet pervasive dream of working somewhere management isn’t complete and utter trash. These days, it’s all that keeps me going.

In the meantime, there’s the prospect of a dalliance with Beck to be considered. And considering it, I am. If for no other reason than it’ll give me an excuse to run my fingers through his beautiful hair and mess it all up. It might just be my new life goal. At least for this week. His hair and his lips and his arms. Those are my favorites, for now.

Before closing up, I touch up my eyeliner and lip gloss. It’s been a long night, but I like to look nice for myself. That Beck will also be seeing me is just a bonus.

“Question,” I say at around three a.m. as we finish locking up. “You hungry?”

“Answer. I could eat.”

“Then follow me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The diner is within walking distance on Wilshire Copyright 2016 - 2024