Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,76

the door before becoming aware that all eyes were now on him. Yeah, there was no hiding that he was far more than a work colleague to Rachel—even if she wasn’t willing to admit it. Yet.

Running a hand over his bald head and absently noting it needed a shave, he turned to Rachel’s family and gave them the truth. “I’m in love with Rachel. I’m pretty sure she loves me too, although getting her to admit it is turning out to be a challenge. But you should know that if I have my way, this wedding you’re planning will be the real deal.”

There was a stunned silence before Rachel’s mother burst into tears again and rushed at him. As she enfolded him in a hug, Harvard patted her back and gave the men a bewildered look.

“Welcome to the family,” Jonathan said with a shrug. “We like to hug.”

“I’m so glad she has you,” Francesca said between sobs muffled against his chest. “She needs a strong man to love her. To see her for who she really is and appreciate all of her.”

“That’s a good point,” Jonathan said. “You sure you know what you’re getting into?”

“Yeah.” Harvard smiled. “I’m sure.”

“Okay then.” Jonathan went over to place a hand on his father’s arm. “They’ve said it was a mild attack. I thought you were taking your medication and laying off that fatty food you enjoy too much. You need to take your doctor’s instructions seriously. I’m not sure if my heart can take another scare like this. Not to mention poor Sebastian. He’s scrambling to find a ride out of the Borneo jungle, just to check for himself that you’re still alive.” His voice softened. “Seriously, Dad, let’s make this the last time.”

Roger patted his hand. “I couldn’t agree more. I just had a terrible shock, that’s all.”

Jonathan frowned. “A shock involving Rachel? What has she done now? Was anyone injured?”

“Sit down,” Roger said before giving Harvard a helpless look.

“I wouldn’t mind taking it from here if that’s okay with you, Roger,” Harvard said as he led Francesca to her seat. “That way, I can fill in some gaps while I bring Jonathan up to speed.”

Roger sagged into the pillows with clear relief. “Please,” he said, turning to Jonathan. “Son, prepare yourself. This isn’t good at all.”

Burying his emotions deep, Harvard tried to be as professional and caring as he could be while he explained everything to Rachel’s family. Francesca kept a fierce grip on her husband’s hand, her free hand dabbing at her cheeks with a tissue. Jonathan’s head dropped forward, and he cursed softly with each revelation. Roger looked like he was clenching his teeth so hard they might crack.

When Harvard had finished, Jonathan looked up at him, his eyes red. “I hope she finds some whiskey in the cafeteria.”

“If there’s any to be found, Rachel will get it,” Harvard said.

Jonathan took a visible breath. “She won’t let us comfort her, bloody prickly woman.”

“No,” Harvard said. “She won’t. But you have to remember, Rachel’s had ten years to think about this; you’ve only just found out. She really is doing great.”

Francesca’s tear-filled eyes met his. “You can’t always believe what you see with our daughter.”

“I know,” Harvard said softly, giving her a silent promise. “I’m watching over her. If she crumples, she won’t be alone.”

Her mother nodded as she turned to her husband, who wrapped his arm around her and comforted her.

Roger’s steely gaze met Harvard’s, reminding him that Rachel’s dad had built a world-class company from the ground up, using grit, determination, and pure strength. Before he’d arrived on the scene, there’d been no TayFor. He was the For in the name—the man who’d single-handedly saved a failing company, making him both feared and revered within London’s business community.

“What do you need from us?” Roger asked.

Harvard pulled up a chair. “I need the envelope, the photos, a detailed breakdown of where you were when you received them, and who was near you in the time preceding it.”

Roger nodded. “You’ll have it.”

“What did the note say?” Harvard asked.

The man’s eyes blazed. “It said Rachel was told to leave TayFor. You get to deliver her last warning. Enjoy.” He turned green. “It actually said that word. Enjoy. As though this was all just a game.”

Francesca stroked a hand down his shoulder. “Whoever this is, they’re very sick.”

“Or evil,” Jonathan said.

Harvard had to agree. “We’ve got someone searching the server for clues from ten years ago. Someone else examining the photos to Copyright 2016 - 2024