Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,65

to the head of security, Rachel. TayFor needs better quality cameras with a higher resolution if they want to do the job properly.”

“I’m sorry.” Rachel flattened a hand to her chest as though shocked. “Did you forget I don’t actually work here?”

“Wow.” The blue-haired wonder narrowed her eyes. “Sex makes you meaner.”

“Maybe Harvard isn’t doing it right.” Ryan turned to him. “If you want any pointers, shout out. I’ve got your back.”

“As much as I appreciate the offer, I think I’m okay.” Harvard grinned.

“Hear that?” Ryan mumbled to Elle. “He’s okay.”

“Children,” Rachel snapped. “Focus. What do we have?”

“Three suspects.” Harvard turned deadly serious. “Samantha, Charles, and whoever’s wearing the Gucci shoes.”

“So, we have nothing.” Rachel folded her arms over the blood-red pantsuit she’d donned for the day. She’d styled it with her standard black pumps and a killer black leather belt to cinch in the waist. It was her “don’t piss me off” outfit, and it matched her manicure perfectly.

“No, we’ve got a lot more than that.” Harvard ran a hand over his smooth bald head, making her wonder what he’d look like if he didn’t shave. She shook off the thought, reminding herself that she didn’t care. He’d be out of her life soon. And that’s exactly what she wanted. Mostly…

“We know,” he continued, “that someone’s phone is connected to the memory card reader in your mom’s office, and also to the signal jammer on the camera. All we need is to check everybody’s phone and see which one it is.”

Rachel pulled out a chair and plopped into it. She folded her legs and swung her foot. “You might as well ask people for their firstborn. No one is going to hand over their phone for inspection.”

“They don’t need to,” Ryan said. “They just need to leave them at security in a building that doesn’t allow them inside. Then I can check them.”

“And how do we do that?” Rachel said. “If I have a meeting in another building, I lock my phone in my desk drawer. I don’t take it to the building because I know it will end up sitting in security, being stroked by someone’s grubby fingers.” Three sets of identically incredulous eyes stared back at her. “Don’t try to tell me it doesn’t happen,” she said.

Ryan started to say something but shook his head. “To hell with it. I give up; she’s your problem now, Harvard. Good luck.”

“I’m not anyone’s problem,” Rachel told the man-child.

“So,” Elle said, “is there no way we can get everyone to bring their phones to one of the secure buildings?”

“What if we told them that all phones need to be handed in and scanned as a security measure?” Ryan mused.

“Won’t work,” Elle replied. “If I got a heads-up, I’d wipe my phone before I came to work. Or bring in a backup to hand in instead.”

“Then how the hell do we get hold of their phones?” Ryan was beginning to lose patience.

Harvard and Rachel shared a look and, for a second, it felt like they were tuned in to the same wavelength. It was almost as though she could hear his thoughts.

Breaking eye contact, he said, “There’s a board meeting on Monday.” And it felt strangely right that he should speak for both of them, because it almost felt like they’d had the discussion and come to an agreement.

Honestly, her life was becoming stranger by the day.

Rachel continued where he left off, “We can stop everyone on the way into the building. We’ll tell them there’s been a security breach, and phones have to be left at the desk until we get on top of it.”

Harvard nodded. “We keep it under wraps and spring it on them when they come in. That way, nobody has time to swap out or wipe their phones. In the meantime, I’ll call headquarters and see if they have some free bodies we can use to watch Samantha, Charles, and our Gucci-loafer-wearing suspects—Preston, Marcus, and Rupert.”

“You want them all watched?” Ryan looked at Rachel. “Will TayFor pay for another five team members?”

“Yes.” If they argued about it, she’d personally make her father and brother suffer for the rest of their natural lives. She needed this investigation over. She needed to get back to her life. And woe betide anyone who was a stumbling block to that plan.

“Okay.” Harvard turned to her. “Want to get some lunch?”

Before she could answer, Elle shouted, “No!”

When Rachel looked at her, Elle flushed as her eyes went suspiciously wide. “I mean, Copyright 2016 - 2024