Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,59

single place her body touched Harvard.

No, not Harvard. That didn’t feel right. Not now.

“Can I call you Michael?” she whispered, feeling a little foolish at the request.

His eyes snapped open, and she feared he read far more in her gaze than she’d intended to share. Slowly, he nodded. “I’d like that.”

It was suddenly impossible to breathe. Keeping her eyes locked on his, she wrapped her hand around his thickness. His hold on her waist tightened for a second, his eyes turning black with unspoken need.

“Rachel.” His voice was a hoarse whisper.

Taking her time, she slid her hand along his length, feeling the softness and solidity of him. Learning him, she listened to his breathing speed up and watched a vein at the base of his throat throb along to the tempo of his heart.

Having all that strength at her mercy was a heady experience. And she needed more. She wanted all of him. Not just the part he’d tethered for her enjoyment.

“Michael,” she whispered.

His eyes opened gradually, as though the eyelids were too heavy.

“I’m letting you loose,” she said, feeling a wave of anticipation at the words.

And, of course, he didn’t think about himself. Instead of rushing at her, he said, “Are you sure?”

Rachel’s fist squeezed his hard length, making him groan. “Yes.”

He moved so fast that her breath caught in her throat. One second, she was in the water, and the next, she was sitting on the edge of the pool with Harvard standing between her legs on the ledge.

A desperate hunger emanated from him. “If you want to stop, we stop. Just say the word.”

It was clear that he didn’t intend to do anything else until she gave her answer. “Okay,” she said, her stomach doing somersaults. She felt as if she were suspended on the edge of a precipice, waiting to see what happened next.

She didn’t have to wait long. His hand clasped her nape as his mouth descended on hers. The kiss robbed her of what little reason she had left. All that remained was the ability to feel, to revel in the sensation. She swam in it, her skin electrified by his touch as he stole the air from her lungs with his lips. Their kiss was endless, sending her spiraling into a free fall of pure sensual delight.

When he leaned away from her, she swayed after him. A large hand pressed gently against her breastbone.

“Lean back,” he said softly. “Prop yourself up on your hands.”

She did so without hesitation, feeling the cool tiles surrounding the pool beneath her palms. Harvard leaned into her, his hands at the small of her back, supporting her as he trailed kisses down her throat.

“Yes,” she panted. “Do more of that.”

She felt the smile against her before he resumed kissing, down her throat, over her collarbone, to the curve of her breasts.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered before clasping two handfuls of her camisole and ripping it down the middle. The silk was no match for his strength. “I’ll replace it.”

“You’d better,” she said breathlessly as she watched his head lower to her exposed breast.

His eyelashes lifted, and his eyes captured hers just before his mouth covered her nipple. With a gasp, Rachel’s head fell back. The pull against her breast as he sucked the sensitive little bud was a fiery torture.

“More,” she demanded.

His tongue played with the firm nub, eliciting a groan. The sound echoed through the pool room, bouncing off tiles and water, and returning to stroke over her skin. Yet another sensation to drive her wild.

One large hand kneaded her other breast while his sinful mouth drove her to distraction. Rachel locked her elbows. It was the only way she could stay upright. The hand in the small of her back tugged her nearer, and she willingly arched her body closer to him.

The room spun. She was delirious. And wanting.

“Michael,” she pleaded, unsure whether she’d said the words aloud, or if they were just in her head. “I need you.”

His tongue swiped over her nipple. “I don’t have any protection here. Didn’t think I’d need it for a swim.”

She noted the humor in his voice, and it made her smile. Okay, he was probably more than a little funny. But she was too needy to appreciate it. “I’m protected.”

He let out a long moan, his forehead falling to her breastbone, where it was cradled by her breasts. “I’m clean. I promise.”

“I believe you. Now, can we get on with it?” And yes, she sounded a little snippy. But Copyright 2016 - 2024