Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,45

could hear—“I’m far from perfect. I can be arrogant and manipulative when I want something bad enough, or when it comes to my job. I don’t like anyone messing with me professionally. If they do, there are always repercussions.”

Rachel sank back against him, her body already trained to relax against his from the few evenings they’d spent dancing.

“Second, I can only cook about half a dozen meals real well,” Harvard’s deep voice rumbled. “After that, it’s hit or miss. And the coffee you drink every morning? That’s delivered. My coffee sucks.”

She angled her head to look up at him. “How do I know you aren’t lying?”

“I’ll wake you tomorrow before it arrives. And that’s the third point on my list. While you’re still sleeping, I’m working out in the gym in the basement or running around Hyde Park. These muscles require an effort to maintain, and staying in shape for my job is important to me. Having you pay attention to them doesn’t do my ego any harm either.”

“It wasn’t like I was studying you,” she huffed. “The muscles are big, and you’re often in my line of sight. It would be impossible not to notice.”

He brushed a kiss against her hair. “And lastly, the deodorant that offends you? That’s gonna have to stay, because I don’t think it’s offense you feel, Rachel. I think you like that scent a little too much.”

She started to shake her head, but he spun her out and back into him. This time, their bodies were pressed front to front, his palm flat against the small of her back.

“As for my imperfections, they’re too many to list,” he said softly, holding her gaze with his.

“Try,” Rachel ordered, but there wasn’t the same demand behind it as usual. She was more interested in the sensation of his shirt under her fingers as she stroked his chest.

“Okay then, gotta tell you that I’m a bed hog,” he said, gently moving them to a silent rhythm. “I also poke my nose into everything that interests me. I’m stubborn. It’s well known that I don’t have much of a temper, but there have been occasions where I’ve punched first and asked questions later. And, although it may look like I’m the master of self-control, I think I’ve reached the limit where you’re concerned. As for me being too sexy, whatever I’m doing, I intend to keep on doing because I want to tempt you. I want you to touch me.”

Harvard lowered his head until his lips were against her ear. A shiver went through her at the feeling of his breath against her skin, and she felt like she was melting inside. “We’re never gonna stop dancing, Rachel, not if I have my way. So you can forget about that rule. As for your other frustrations, I’m pretty sure I have the solution for those too.”

Damn, he was far too cocky for her own good. “You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

His cheek brushed against hers, and then their mouths were touching. Just a whisper of a touch. Yet it was enough to make all of her concerns disappear. She waited, aching to know what he’d do next. Hoping it would be everything she needed to calm the raging unrest within. To still the hunger inside of her that had been there since Joe’s and Julia’s wedding in Peru, when she’d first told Harvard to go to hell.

“No, Rachel. I haven’t been sure of anything since I met you.” His words were butterfly kisses against her lips. “All I know is that I’ve been waiting forever to kiss you.”

As her knees weakened, she was glad his hold on her was firm and strong. “You’ve only known me a few months.”

“And yet, I’ve been waiting a lifetime.” And with that, his lips gently brushed over hers. “Put your arms around my neck.”

It was the same order he’d given on the dancefloor, and again, she found herself complying without a second thought. “What now?” she whispered.

“Whatever you want,” was the reply.

“Then show me if you kiss as perfectly as you do everything else.”

“When you put it that way, it makes me feel as though I have to screw this up to get you to like me.”

“Poor you. Such a dilemma. Now stop talking and kiss me.”

Her eyes drifted closed as she felt his smiling lips against hers. And then, while they swayed in place in the middle of her living room, his mouth moved over hers. Sweet, gentle, teasing kisses. Copyright 2016 - 2024