Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,35

the second-floor research lab.”

What the hell? “On my way.”

“That’s my mother’s office,” Rachel’s voice bit out in his ear. “You can’t possibly think she has anything to do with this. Wait for me; I’m coming over.”

“No,” Harvard ordered. “Stay in position. Let me deal with this.”

There was no reply from Rachel.

He scanned his security pass, pushed through the doors, and sprinted up the stairs two at a time.

“Rachel and Elle are heading your way,” Ryan said. “Damn, Rachel can move in those heels.”

Harvard didn’t say anything. There was no point. He’d just have to deal with the women when they arrived, and then later, he’d go over why a member of a team never broke position. In the meantime, he tamped down his anger and focused on getting to that office.

Two more stops to scan his card and he was in the corridor outside the second-floor labs. Each door had a biometric lock that Harvard didn’t have access to, but he didn’t need it because Francesca’s office door stood wide open.

Daily training meant Harvard wasn’t even out of breath by the time he reached the doorway. He scanned the room, taking in everything within seconds—the most important part being Francesca sitting at her desk, talking to Samantha, who sat on the opposite side.

When Rachel’s mother noticed him, she beamed. “Harvard, we were just talking about you. Come in, come in.” She angled her head to look around him. “Rachel isn’t with you?”

“She’s on her way,” he said as he stepped into the room.

“Shouldn’t a bodyguard stay with his charge? Had enough of her already?” Samantha said with a wink.

“Samantha,” Francesca reprimanded, but it was filled with affection. “Not everyone knows when you’re joking, darling. You need to remember that.”

Yeah, Rachel’s mom being one of them, because Samantha had been deadly serious. He glanced around the room, but nothing jumped out at him as being out of place.

“What are you doing over here?” Francesca said, motioning for him to take a seat.

Harvard shook his head, indicating he was happy to stand. “We thought we’d take you out for lunch. I came ahead to make sure we caught you, as Rachel’s tied up in a meeting.”

“Well, you must think it’s safe at TayFor if you’re letting her wander around alone.” Samantha tossed her wavy blonde hair over her shoulder and crossed her legs, making sure Harvard got the best angle. “That’s good news for our security. I guess they’re doing their job.”

The sound of heels on vinyl flooring came from the corridor outside the office, along with panicked whispers. Rachel had arrived. Harvard was watching the doorway when she strode through it. Her eyes went straight to her mother, then to him, where they narrowed, and lastly came to rest on Samantha with interest.

“Darling,” Francesca said, “Harvard just told me you want to do lunch. Let me get my jacket, and we can go.”

“Am I invited to this lunch too?” Samantha purred, her eyes on Harvard.

“No,” Rachel said coldly.

Samantha looked amused while her mother tutted. “Sometimes, I despair of your manners. I often wonder where I went wrong with you.”

Elle hovered in the door behind Rachel, looking a little panicked. Quickly taking in the situation, she approached Samantha.

“Samantha,” she said, “Jonathan’s been trying to get hold of you. He asked me to pass on the message if I saw you. He’d like to see you in his office as soon as possible, something about a problem with the marketing for the new Alzheimer’s relief drug.”

“Copy that,” Ryan said in Harvard’s ear. “Calling Jonathan right now to tell him to manufacture a crisis and expect his cousin.”

Samantha stood with a sigh. “It’s so inconvenient that we aren’t allowed cell phones outside of the office building.” She smoothed down her tight lemon-colored shift dress and smiled at them. “It seems I won’t be available for lunch after all. Even if I was welcome.”

Rachel folded her arms over her black suit jacket and drummed her red nails on the sleeve. The look on her face shouted that she’d run out of patience with her cousin.

“I’ll walk you back to the main building,” Elle said. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about that wonderful advertising campaign you did last year. It must have taken ages to put that together.”

Samantha’s whole face lit up as she sashayed to the door. As she drew level with her cousin, Rachel’s hand snapped out to take hold of her arm.

“Please remember that Harvard is my fiancé and is therefore off-limits Copyright 2016 - 2024