Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,120

attractive.” She turned to Callum. “Is attractiveness a hiring requirement at Benson Security?”

“No.” He frowned at her.

Her grandmother just grinned at him, as though he was being funny.

“One tea,” Harvard said as he strode into the room, bringing yet more people with him.

“Good to see you conscious,” Lake said with a rare smile.

“You scared the crap out of me,” Harry told her as he wrapped his hand around the lump on the bed that was her foot and squeezed. “You even scared Magenta. She actually said she’s glad you made it.”

“A red-letter day,” Rachel said dryly as Sebastian elbowed his way into the room.

“You didn’t have to come all the way back from Borneo for this,” Rachel told him.

“Don’t be a pain in the arse,” he said before hugging her too.

“She can’t help it.” Jonathan took her hand, his eyes turning sad. “I can’t believe it was Samantha.”

“None of us can,” her mother said, hugging Jonathan.

“I can,” her grandmother said. “She always was a jealous little bitch.”



“Mary!” her father added, letting Rachel know he was back too.

“What?” Her gran shrugged. “You were all thinking it.”

“For the love of all things Prada, would everybody get out of my room?” Rachel shouted.

“No,” everybody shouted back.

Rachel narrowed her eyes at them. “I’m keeping track, and everyone who defies me now will suffer when I’m out of here.”

“And you say I’m a drama queen,” her gran muttered.

Epilogue 1

Two months later, Bangkok, Thailand

Harvard crept up the stairs of the apartment building in Thailand’s capital city and signaled to his team to wait. They froze in place, blending into the shadows as the person on the other side of the stairwell door passed by.

As soon as he was sure it was clear, he signaled to move forward. In formation, they passed the door and made their way along the corridor to the corner apartment.

Thanks to a local team that owed Harvard a favor, they already knew the exact layout of the apartment and the location of the two men within it. The surveillance equipment installed throughout the living areas kept them up to date on everything that was happening inside.

Which is how they knew that both men were sound asleep in their beds and alone for the first time in two weeks.

Silently, one of his team picked the lock of their front door, and Harvard signaled for them to slide inside. Working as a well-oiled machine, they cleared each room before splitting into two teams and heading to the bedrooms.

Less than a minute later, the men kneeled in the middle of their shared living room, hands tied in front of them and duct tape over their mouths. And, from the smell of things, one of them had already lost control of his bladder.

Harvard removed his mask and crouched in front of them. He reached into his tactical vest and pulled out two Polaroid photos, holding them up in front of their faces.

The other man’s bladder gave way.

As he got to his feet, he nodded at his team before pulling out his silenced revolver and shooting each man in the middle of the forehead. Once done, he turned his back on them and signaled for the surveillance equipment to be removed from the apartment. It took mere seconds to get it done. And only a few minutes more to get his team safely from the building.

As they climbed aboard the private plane waiting for them at a small airport outside the city, he sent the video file they’d recorded with their surveillance cameras to the local police.

Rachel wasn’t the last woman the men had raped.

In silence, his five-person team buckled in before the plane took off and headed back to London.

“Are you going to tell her?” Megan Raast asked.

The Scottish woman considered herself one of Rachel’s best friends. Which, as far as Harvard could tell, meant she spent most of her time trying to wind Rachel up.

“At some point,” he said.

Megan’s husband, Dimitri, nodded. He’d dealt with the man who’d abused his sister, and out of all of them, could most understand where Harvard was coming from.

“I vote no,” Callum said. “There’s no telling how Rachel will react.”

Ryan barked out a laugh. “We all know how she’d react. She’ll have Harvard’s balls for not including her.”

“True,” Megan said with a smile.

Closing his eyes, Harvard settled into his seat and thought about the woman waiting for him back at home. In their new apartment. And their new bed—which didn’t have a pool above it.

Epilogue 2

Ten months later, Copyright 2016 - 2024